


Week Date Content Readings (papers, book chapters) Assignments
#1 Sept 27      
Probabilistic Models / State Estimation
#2 Oct 2 Probabilities, Bayes rule, Bayes filters 1, 2  
Oct 4 Motion models, Sensor models 5, 6  
Bayes Filters and Robot Localization
#3 Oct 9 Kalman filters: KF, EKF 3, 7  
Oct 11 Kalman filters: UKF 3, 7 hw2 project1
#4 Oct 16 Discrete filters, particle filters 8  
Oct 18 Particle filters 8  
Mapping / SLAM
#5 Oct 23 Occupancy maps, EKF-SLAM 9, 10, 11  
Oct 25 Fast-SLAM 13  
#6 Oct 30 Fast-SLAM contd. 13  
Further Estimation Topics
#7 Nov 6, 8 Complex tracking GPS-street-map, Robocup-ball-tracking
Nov 9 Gaussian Processes Overview, GP-UKF active-learning, heteroscedastic
#8 Nov 13 GP contd., Boosting Overview, Java Applet,
Nov 15 Conditional Random Fields Tutorial, GPS place labeling
#9 Nov 20 CRF applications Indoor place labeling, Scan labeling
Nov 22 Thanksgiving, no class
#10 Nov 27 MDP planning
Nov 29 RL, POMDPs
#11 Dec 4 Active localization and sensing Ch 17, active localization, sensing
Nov 29 Summary