Assignment 1 (Due 4/13/2022)

The purpose of this assignment is to get comfortable with the smartphone development environment by modifying the sample Android and iOS code made for this class.
  1. Download the sample code for this class from Github:
    IMU [Android, iOS]
    Mic/speaker [Android, iOS]
  2. The IMU code is currently set to read and log the accelerometer data. Modify the code to log and graph the magnetometer readings.
  3. Run the sample microphone and speaker code. While the tone is playing, take a sample measurement in a silent room with no noise. While the tone is playing, take another measurement while tapping on the table or making other forms of noise. Download the two recordings from the phone to your computer.
    Deliverable: Plot the FFT spectrum from both recordings using your favorite plotting software, upload this plot. You can use MATLAB which is free for UW students. Other options like Python work well too.
All deliverables can be uploaded as a single zip file to Canvas.