CSE562: Mobile Systems & Applications (offered as CSE 599y - 22sp)

Spring 2022

MW 1:30-2:50, Room CSE2 371 (Gates Center) .


Shyam Gollakota
Office hours: by appointment (Email anytime)

Teaching Assistants:

For this class, the best place to get your questions answered is on Piazza.
The entire class will benefit from any discussion, and posts can be made anonymously:


  • Earable computing
  • Mobile health
  • Mobile HCI
  • Acoustic device and device-free tracking
  • ML for acoustic and video mobile processing
  • Physiological sensing using phones and speakers
  • IMU tracking and GPS localization
  • Wi-Fi localization and sensing
  • Mobile ML
  • Mobile privacy and security

Course schedule:

Date Topic Resources
03/28/2022 Introduction and Overview Slides
03/30/2022 Android and iOS development tutorial Sample IMU code [iOS] [Android]
Sample microphone/speaker code [iOS] [Android]
iOS tutorial
Android tutorial
04/04/2022 IMU systems Slides
Additional Readings:
Motion sensors
04/06/2022 GPS systems Slides
04/11/2022 Wave propogation and acoustic ranging Slides
Additional Readings:
04/13/2022 Signal Processing basics Slides
04/18/2022 No class
04/20/2022 No class
04/25/2022 Doppler and Gesture Recognition Slides
04/27/2022 Angle of Arrival algorithms Slides
05/02/2022 Angle of Arrival algorithms Slides
Additional Readings:
Bartlett Beamformer and MVDR Beamformer in the Browser
MATLAB code for Conventional and Adaptive Beamformers
05/04/2022 Angle of Arrival algorithms Slides
Additional Readings:
Contactless Sleep Apnea Detection on Smartphones
Opioid Overdose Detection Using Smartphones
05/09/2022 Paper Presentations Additional readings:
Software as a Medical Device (SaMD)
05/11/2022 Paper Presentations
05/16/2022 Paper Presentations
Additional readings:
Earable Computing: A New Area to Think About
05/18/2022 Radios and Wi-Fi
05/23/2022 Indoor tracking and localization using magnets and Wi-Fi fingerprinting
05/25/2022 ML techniques for sensing
05/30/2022 Memorial Day (No class)
06/01/2022 ML techniques for sensing


Getting started with smartphone programming: Assignment 1 (Due 4/13/2022)
Measure tilt using accelerometer and gyroscope on the phone: Assignment 2 (Due 4/29/2022)
Design an acoustic gesture recognition system: Assignment 3 (Due 5/20/2022)
Machine learning on mobile devices: Assignment 4 (Due 6/10/2022)


4 hands-on assignments (10+20+25+30% in all)
Class presentation of one paper (10%)
Class participation (5%)