Congestion Avoidance and Control

From: Danny Wyatt (
Date: Sun Oct 17 2004 - 21:45:44 PDT

  • Next message: Michelle Liu: "Review of "Congestion Avoidance and Control""

    Congestion Avoidance and Control
    Van Jacobson

    This paper presents solutions to 3 causes of network congestion: (1)
    slow-start window growth for networks that get saturated before they can
    reach equilibrium, (2) improved RTT estimation for maintaining
    equilibrium once its reached, and (3) exponential backoff to control
    congestion once it has occurred. I was very impressed with how
    elegantly all three of these solutions fit together---both with each
    other and with the existing network. For example, I was impressed by
    the fact that linear slow-start, when considered in the larger, temporal
    behavior of the network, ends up being exponential and thus nicely
    complementing exponential backoff. And the two can be co-implemented in
    4 lines of code using integer arithmetic! That's elegance if I've ever
    seen it.

    I was also pleased to see (what I've learned as) statistical learning
    methods used for the improved RTT estimator. Since the RTT estimator
    must be as accurate as possible to allow for timeouts to bear some
    information about network congestion, this is a neat validation of those

    My only complaint about the paper is its somewhat bizarre organization.
    It's put together as 3 papers in one: the high-level, speculative and
    explanatory main text; the theoretical justifications for (some) of
    those speculations in the appendices and footnotes; and the empirical
    validation of the speculations in the figures. They have certainly
    covered all of their bases, but I think they could have covered them in
    a more organized presentation.

  • Next message: Michelle Liu: "Review of "Congestion Avoidance and Control""

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