End-to-End - Wrong end of the stick?

From: Karthik Gopalratnam (karthikg@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Wed Oct 13 2004 - 01:40:35 PDT

  • Next message: Chuck Reeves: "Review of "End-to-End Arguments in System Design""

    End-to-end Arguments in System Design

        This paper attempts to identify and reinforce a principle to system
    design - that of placing the onus of management of resources and
    functionality on the end-points in the system.

        The above principle is mainly considered in the context of
    communication systems, where the authors provide a whole slew of examples
    of network systems and applications where it makes sense to make the end
    hosts of a network manage the requirements of specific applications as
    opposed to having the lower level network components provide for the needs
    of high level appliacations, such as reliability, authencity of data, etc.
    The authors make the valid claim, at least for reliability, that having
    the lower level network components try to provide reliability to
    applications will take away significantly from the performance observed by
    the applications, and still does not obviate the need for reliability
    mechanisms at the higher layer. This design principle in some sense is
    another facet of the flexibility / reliability / performance tradeoff
    involved in any design that wants to figure out whether to push
    functionality to the lower layers or keep them application specific.

        However, the contributions of this paper are fairly sketchy. The
    earlier TCP paper from '74 identified the reasons for managing the network
    from the ends and it wold seem that this design principle was very clearly
    understood in the context of network systems, and was indeed widely
    applied as well. The authors' examples for why this principle should hold
    seem to merely restate the original ideas involved in TCP-IP. The whole
    principle of end-to-end management is really an artifact of the concept of
    hierarchy and layering abstraction inherent in most system designs - the
    higher layers represented by the end hosts should build on the possibly
    limited functionality provided by lower layers to tailor the design to the
    specific needs of the application. In that light, this paper mererly seems
    to be restating what must have been obvious given two decades of system
    design based on abstraction and layering.

  • Next message: Chuck Reeves: "Review of "End-to-End Arguments in System Design""

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