End-to-End Arguments in System Design

From: Kate Everitt (everitt@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Tue Oct 12 2004 - 19:49:08 PDT

  • Next message: Tom Christiansen: "Saltzer et al., 1984 review"

    End-to-End Arguments in System Design
    Review: Katherine Everitt

    The main argument in this paper is that end to end design is better for
    most situations than lower level implementations. When functionality
    such as error checking, security, and duplicate suppression is
    implemented at a low level, it is inefficient and may make decisions
    that are not appropriate for some applications.

    There are several convincing examples in the paper to support this
    point. For example, voice packets care more about delay than
    reliability, but many applications care more about reliability than
    delay. If we try to implement a low level system that makes assumptions
    about how it is used, we may preclude some uses. In many cases the end
    application is best positioned to be making these kinds of decisions.

    Although the authors mentioned that the end-to-end argument was a
    guideline more than a rule, they did not really discuss when it would be
    inappropriate. If you can make no assumptions about the reliability and
    speed of the underlying network, it is difficult for the end-to-end
    applications to make decisions about how they should send information.
    Also, sometimes it is the routers within the network that are best
    placed to find certain kinds of error and determine efficiency. If the
    only checking that is going on is at the endpoints, it becomes difficult
    to diagnose errors such as “your packet was two big / too fast for
    midpoints” and “I never got your packet because the midpoint can’t
    handle x”. I feel the need for lower level checking strongly depends on
    the error rate.

    The other disadvantage of this scheme is it involves more complexity at
    the endpoints. This is fine, but if the endpoint has limited buffering
    capability, processing resources or weak connectivity, this algorithm
    does not work as well. In general, this paper presents convincing
    arguments that end-to-end design is better in some situations but could
    do a better job of showing when it is appropriate.

  • Next message: Tom Christiansen: "Saltzer et al., 1984 review"

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