End-to-end Arguments in System Design

From: Danny Wyatt (danny@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Tue Oct 12 2004 - 15:36:38 PDT

  • Next message: Michael J Cafarella: "End-to-end arguments"

    End-to-end Arguments in System Design
    J.H Saltzer, D.P. Reed, D.D. Clark

    This paper presents an argument for why certain functionality should not
    be implemented in the "low-level" communications sub-system, but should
    rather be left up to the applications that demand the functionality.
    The main thrust of their argument is that no pre-built function of the
    sub-system can possible predict the specific needs of all future
    applications, and that such pre-building may also unnecessarily hinder
    applications that don't require the function at all.

    This is certainly a legitimate concern, and they provide enough examples
    to support it. However, the example of the faulty gateway is a reductio
    ad absurdum that I find invalid. It's not the fault of the application
    that the network failed to deliver its promised postconditions. If all
    applications had to plan---in advance---for possible bugs in external
    modules than no one would ever use a 3rd party library. Another
    software engineering aspect that their argument initially avoids is the
    fact that perhaps not all but overwhelmingly many applications might
    demand the functions they describe of the communication subsystem.
    Their examples are sufficiently uncommon (they twice use distributed
    applications running on more than two hosts) that it seems as if they
    would penalize common cases (in terms of ease of implementation) in
    favor of reduced (though ultimately net labor-less) redundant
    implementation for uncommon cases.

    Ultimately, they present a middle position (not theirs) which seems most
    sensible: a "function may be provided by a lower level module, but it
    should alway be replaceable by an application's special version of the
    function." Indeed, this seems to be where we are today. Application
    that don't need TCP can use UDP to get as close to the raw datagram
    layer of IP as they can. Similarly, for encryption SSL can be used, an
    application specific method can be used, or no encryption can be used.
    (Though it is open to argument whether SSL should be considered a part
    of the communication subsystem. I think that, from an application
    developers viewpoint, it is.)

  • Next message: Michael J Cafarella: "End-to-end arguments"

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