QA_Digital_Fountain_Approach_to_Reliable_Distribution_of?= Bulk Data" Review

From: Katie Everitt (
Date: Mon Oct 11 2004 - 08:00:16 PDT

  • Next message: Kevin Wampler: "Digital Fountain review"

    “A Digital Fountain Approach to Reliable Distribution of Bulk Data” Review

    Katherine Everitt

    The problem that this paper addresses is how to reliably multicast large
    amounts of data to many autonomous clients. The authors do a thorough job of
    dsecrbing why previous solutions that don’t work, from unicast (unable to
    ack packets due to server implosion), data carousel (takes too long for the
    client if you miss a packet) and reed-solomon codes (to much processing
    The main idea of the paper is using redundancy in information sent to allow
    clients to quickly reconstruct the packets they have missed. The improvement
    over Reed-Solomon codes is that they use a sparser system of linear
    equations. With fewer number of terms in each equation, fewer XOR
    calculations are needed and the processing is faster.
    I was curious about how the random graph structure would be used for packets
    of varying size. Would the graph always have to be pre-calculated and tested
    so that it was efficient? How much time would this take.
    I felt the analysis of Tornado codes was very thorough, using both an
    idealized and simulated traffic analysis. I would have liked to see more
    discussion about Real Time multicast, which doesn’t seem well served by this
    scheme. Perhaps a short delay of the entire multicast or distributed
    processing would serve to help Tornado codes serve this case.

  • Next message: Kevin Wampler: "Digital Fountain review"

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