Digital Fountain

From: Chandrika Jayant (
Date: Sun Oct 10 2004 - 21:41:04 PDT

  • Next message: Alan L. Liu: "Review of A Digital Fountain Approach to Reliable Distribution of Bulk Data"

    "A Digital Fountain Approach to Reliable Distribution of Data"
    Written by Byers, Luby, Mitzenmacher, and Rege
    Reviewed by Chandrika Jayant
                This paper discusses a way to reliably distribute bulk data
    to a large number of autonomous clients. The authors describe an ideal
    and fully scalable protocol, the "digital fountain," closely approximate
    this ideal protocol using Tornado codes, and provide performance
    measurements to show the advantages of this method. The paper is
    organized wonderfully by separating the ideal goal from the approximated
    one, and the results shown really convince the reader that this protocol
    works well. The digital fountain idea is a beautiful and simple concept
    which allows for flexibility which seems to be one of the most important
    necessities for successfully joining heterogeneous networks. The
    comparison of Tornado codes versus Reed Solomon shows a graceful
    solution using exclusive-or instead of costly field operations.
    Performance results are impressive. The comparison to interleaving is
    explained even more thoroughly and convincingly. An actual
    implementation and example are provided, for added insight.
                I would have liked more of a background on interleaving but
    the comparisons to Tornado codes are very impressive. In comparing
    Tornado codes with Reed Solomon, for all the trials the same graph was
    used and was generated randomly. I was not convinced that the
    performance is representative, and the paper even suggests that better
    performance might be achieved by testing various random graphs for
    performance (couldn't it also be worse?). I would like to see this
    backed up by concrete results. Also, the idea of Tornado codes isn't the
    authors' idea, this paper just seems to convey its advantages and its
    results. A novel idea even in its implementation would have made this a
    stronger and more important paper.
                I actually wouldn't do much to improve this paper- it is one
    of the most solidly organized and backed up papers I have read. However
    there are some weak spots (like just picking 1 graph in testing,
    skimming over the important issue of the effect of large packet losses,
    the Tornado code's problem with stretch factor, and inadequacy for real
    time applications that are just mentioned and not discussed in effective
                This paper is relevant today because truly effective
    broadcast/multicast goals still haven't been met; this paper provides
    explanations of many of the complications that could arise and possible
    solutions for some of them. It conveys that there are a bunch of
    tradeoffs that must be played with, not just one clear way to approach
    matters. Also we see that we might want different approaches to
    different applications.
                Some future work suggested is looking into the problem of
    when receivers change their reception level over time- exploring this
    efficiency/ behavior and optimizing it. It would be useful to test a
    similar system (as the one used in the paper) with a large number of
    users to demonstrate the effectiveness of the paper's approach. It's
    also suggested to study the topic in the context of mirrored data and
    finding a balance between small and large stretch factors.

  • Next message: Alan L. Liu: "Review of A Digital Fountain Approach to Reliable Distribution of Bulk Data"

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