A Digital Fountain Approach to Reliable Distribution of Bulk Data

From: Susumu Harada (harada@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Sun Oct 10 2004 - 17:23:09 PDT

  • Next message: Ioannis Giotis: "Tornado"

    "A Digital Fountain Approach to Reliable Distribution of Bulk Data"
    J. Byers et al.

    The paper proposes an alternate solution for reliable multicasting of
    digital data over generic network medias using a framework termed "digital
    fountain" and an algorithm for encoding the data called the Tornado codes.
    The term "digital fountain" reflects the nature of the protocol in that
    a client interested in retrieving the data from the server can join in at
    any time during the broadcast and tap in for duration roughly equivalent
    to the period in which the data would have been delivered had the
    connection been point to point.

    The paper presents a well organized description of the problem domain,
    outlining the desired characteristics of an ideal digital fountain,
    currently known protocol (Reed-Solomon codes with interleaved codes), and
    a thorough performance comparison with the proposed Tornado code. The
    empirical support for the performance data are very impressive and
    meticulous, with significant improvement over the alternative. It is
    great that they not only included simulation results with multiple
    experimental conditions, but also results based on actual trace data
    (although the authors acknowledge that it was limited in scope).

    I found the approach of the randomized graph-based coding of the Tornado
    code to be very intuitive and its simplicity appealing. The layered
    multicast approach was also interesting, although it seems that they did
    not get as much mileage from it as I expected.

    One point of concern I had was regarding the way in which the Tornado code
    was based on random generation of the graph structure. They state that
    "for all 10,000 trials the same graph was used... one might achieve better
    performance by testing various random graphs for performance before
    settling on one". What is not clear is how dependent the performance
    result of a particular graph structure is on the structure of the data
    itself. Since in real application the data that is being multicast would
    be varying from one case to the next, the dependence on sample-and-pick
    for determining the suitable graph structure for each data set does not
    seem too realistic.

    I would also like to see how the protocol could possibly be improved by
    incorporating some degree of client feedback to increase the efficiency of
    the overall network usage by the multicasting host. Although the appeal
    of the proposed protocol is that it works without the need for the clients
    to respond to the server, it would be interesting to see if minimal
    interaction can be introduced to even further the efficiency of the

  • Next message: Ioannis Giotis: "Tornado"

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