Review 10-06-2004

From: Craig M Prince (
Date: Wed Oct 06 2004 - 01:37:37 PDT

  • Next message: Andrew R Putnam: "Review of TCP"

    Reading Review 10-06-2004
    Craig Prince

    The Cerf and Kahn paper titled "A Protocol for Packet Network
    Intercommunications" is a classic networking paper that describes the
    initial proposal for the TCP internet protocol. This paper outlines the
    basic requirements required by the TCP protocol -- namely to be a simple,
    versatile protocol that would be robust to lost packets and work across a
    variety of types of networks. The paper not only outlined the structure of
    the protocol packets, but also discussed the motivation behind the
    protocol as well as the procedure for setting up connections and
    communicating between processes.

    One strength of this paper is the fact that it indirectly introduces the
    notion of protocol layering. To show how their protocol could be used
    across existing networks, the authors embed their protocol header within
    the data of the individual local network packets. This layering allows the
    unification of different networks without requiring those networks to
    change themselves. Another strength of this paper is that it presents
    alternative design choices and effectively argues as to which choice is
    best. For example, the paper discusses two cases regarding how to handle
    packets from/to different processes on the same machine, describing the
    pros and cons of each.

    I had a few concerns while reading this paper. The first, is that while a
    coherent protocol is presented there is no alaysis of the correctness of
    the protocol; for example, are there unrecoverable states?...when will the
    protocol break? Another concern that I had with this paper is that it
    makes the assumption that all communication will require delivery
    quarantees. While this is true for many applications, this is not always
    the case. By including this directly in the internetwork protocol, this
    overhead is always incurred. This concern is one of the reasons that a
    separation between TCP and IP was finally made. This work could have been
    improved by giving a more rigorous handling of the proposed protocol to
    prove that the desired properties held for it (Will fragmentation and
    reassembly work in all cases? Can the window and sequence number become
    unaligned? Etc.)

    This paper is relevant today in that it gives a good overview of the
    design ideas behind the TCP protocol. It is interesting that the TCP
    protocol still used today would have such a close resemblance to this
    initial proposal made in 1974. The great care that was taken to ensure
    that the protocol was as unrestrictive as possible has led to its
    longevity and serves as a guide for future protocol designs. This paper
    doesn't touch on features such as security or quality of service, which
    suggests that there remains work to find protocols that include these
    features as well.

  • Next message: Andrew R Putnam: "Review of TCP"

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