Review of "A Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection"

From: Seth Cooper (
Date: Wed Oct 06 2004 - 00:26:25 PDT

  • Next message: Rosalia F Tungaraza: "Review #2--A protocol for packet network intercommunication by Cerf V. G. and Kahn, R. E."

            The main result of this paper is a description of a protocol that can
    be used to reliably communiacte between two processes across networks.
    The protocol can be used across packet-switched networks to provide full
    duplex communication between two such processes, and can communicate
    across networks joined together by "gateways".
            A major strength of the paper is that it does an excellent job of
    separating the protocol that two hosts can use to communicate from the
    underlying network that the hosts are communicating over. The protocol
    puts almost all of the burden of implementation on end hosts. There is
    also some responsibility placed in "gateways" between networks, because
    they must translate packets form one network to the next. But the
    protocol designed makes very few assumptions of the transporting
    network, and in some cases explicitly tries to be flexible in areas such
    a maximum packet size. Building things in to the protocol, such as the
    end segment flag and byte ackowledgement, let the packet size vary and
    allow the protocol to work across many different network
    implementations. How end hosts have to act is even left unspeified in
    some cases. For instance, hosts may vary in adjusting their window
    size, or how they handle out of order packets. This gives the protocol
    even more fleability.
            One limitation of the paper is that it doesn't address how the protocol
    could detect or adapt to network congestion. The protocol uses an
    acknowledgement and retransmit scheme to ensure that the recieving host
    gets all the data it wants in order. However, on a high traffic,
    packets may be lost due to congestion, causing the sending host to have
    to retransmit. This would then increase congestion and make the problem
    worse. The paper often mentions that packets recieved out of order can
    simply be dropped and retransmitted, withou noting any concern for the
    strain that would place on the network itself.
            The work could be improved by some concrete observations. The paper
    mentions that altough there is uses retransmition, hopefully it will not
    need to be used often. It is also not specified how long a host should
    wait before assuming a packet is lost and retransmitting. Data on how
    often packets are lost or duplicated would be useful. Some way for the
    protocol to adapt to the underlying network along these lines would be
    good: retransmit times should be higher in a network with large latency
    and so forth.
            This paper is still relevant today because many of the design ideas are
    still embodied in current TCP. For instance, the addressing scheme of
    using port numbers to identify an assosciation between two processes is
    still used. It is also usefl to know why certain design decisions were
    made in regards to one transport protocol when designing another. Even
    for an applications programmer, knowing what your underlying transport
    protocol handles and why can be useful.

  • Next message: Rosalia F Tungaraza: "Review #2--A protocol for packet network intercommunication by Cerf V. G. and Kahn, R. E."

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