(no subject)

From: Scott Schremmer (scotths@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Wed Dec 01 2004 - 04:55:10 PST

  • Next message: T Scott Saponas: "Review of "Controlling High Bandwidth Aggregates in the Networks""

            This paper deals with the issue of denial of service attacks and
    flash crowd attacks. Denial of service attacks often occur as a result
    of an attack by a virus or other malicious code. Flask crowds are similar
    in make up, though they are often caused by large quantities in need of
    a certain resource.

            The paper proposes 2 ways to deal with this problem. The first,
    aggregate congestion control deals with this by assuming that nodes which
    have a similar (signature) ie are similar in nature. The granularity
    chosen is left flexible so as to block denial of service attacks sent
    at different times. They also describe push back in which upstream nodes
    are used to lower the congestion through a region.

            This paper does a good job explaining the reasons behind its
    decision. On the negative, more information explaining methods of
    differentiating real attacks from benign flash crowds and dealing with
    them differently could add a lot to the paper.

  • Next message: T Scott Saponas: "Review of "Controlling High Bandwidth Aggregates in the Networks""

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