Review of "Controlling High Bandwidth Aggregates in the Network"

From: Ethan Katz-Bassett (
Date: Wed Dec 01 2004 - 01:31:02 PST

  • Next message: Seth Cooper: "Review of "Controlling High Bandwidth Aggregates in the Network""

    In this paper, the authors present mechanisms for limiting the service
    degradation that can occur on the Internet under high bandwidth aggregates.
    They define an aggregate to be a subset of traffic sharing some property.
    The two main types of aggregates they discuss are DoS attacks and flash
    crowds. Each causes heavy traffic and can result in high loss rates. In
    both cases, the traffic is not due to a single heavy flow nor to overall
    high levels, so traditional congestion control mechanisms are not the idea
    solution. Other DoS work I have seen focuses exclusively on DoS and usually
    looks stopping the sender. I liked that this paper fit DoS into a larger
    problem and looked at managing the flow.

    The paper proposes a two part solution. In the first part, local
    aggregate-based congestion control (Local ACC) identifies high bandwidth
    aggregates at a given router and limits their throughput to leave bandwidth
    for other flows. I may have missed the details, but it looks like the
    algorithm limits each identified aggregate to the same level; it is not
    clear to me that this is the correct choice (vs perhaps proportionally).
    The second part, pushback, lets router tell its upstream neighbors to limit
    aggregates the router found. This should open up bandwidth for better
    usage, as packets from the aggregate are dropped earlier than they would be
    with just Local ACC. Also, it should limit the number of "innocent" packets
    labeled as being part of the aggregate.

    As the authors mention, the paper represents only the start of a solution.
    It seems like an interesting problem and a reasonable approach. I am
    curious how much of a problem DoS and flash aggregates currently represent
    in the Internet. It remains to be shown how these mechanisms would perform
    in more realistic simulations.

    On a side note, I like that they included a link to their simulation
    scripts. I am unsure how common this practice is, but it is nice, making
    results easier to verify and reproduce. I previously worked with botanists
    to develop a common way to encode their procedures in an easily reproducible
    way. The lack of such a system kept researchers from being able to verify
    others' work. Specifically, the raw data was often manipulated in vague
    ways before the experiment could be performed, and these manipulations were
    not standardized.


  • Next message: Seth Cooper: "Review of "Controlling High Bandwidth Aggregates in the Network""

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