
From: Ioannis Giotis (
Date: Tue Nov 30 2004 - 16:50:27 PST

  • Next message: Yuhan Cai: "Paper Review #17: Controlling High Bandwidth Aggregates in the Network"

    Another aspect of security in the internet is protecting the network
    from attacks that effect its operation. Nowadays, it is becoming more
    common to witness attacks where the attacker uses congestion as the way
    to make a host or a link unreachable. In other cases, it also observed
    that an unusual high demand of a service from a group can have the same


    The authors propose a scheme to deal with these phenomena. Instead of
    trying to identify the cause and "fix" the problem at its root, they try
    to limit the consequences. Their scheme consists of two main parts, a
    local mechanism that manages flow at a router and can detect attacks and
    try to limit the bandwidth allocated to these flows, and a pushback
    mechanism which is an extension to push the limiting points further
    closer to the origins of the attack. The scheme is intuitive and seems
    it deals with the problem in simulations. It also is easy to implement
    and doesn't require all routers to upgrade in order to provide
    additional security.


    It is very positive that the authors take into account the side effects
    of their scheme and take them into consideration to provide their
    solution. On the other hand these side effects such as limiting of
    legitimate flows are still there and could lead to severe issues. Also,
    policy decisions play a significant role in their detection and limiting
    algorithms which could be a major weakness in the system, as attackers
    could easily reconfigure their attacks so as to go undetected when using
    bad policy decisions. Finally, despite the advantage of dealing with the
    attack immediately, not solving the problem at its root, leaves a lot of
    room for attackers to find new weaknesses in this scheme.


    Overall, this scheme is certainly worth looking at, mainly because there
    are no alternatives today dealing with these types of attacks. However,
    I feel that by the time such a scheme could be implemented, new
    attacking techniques will emerge that will render this scheme useless.

  • Next message: Yuhan Cai: "Paper Review #17: Controlling High Bandwidth Aggregates in the Network"

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