Review of "How to 0wn the Internet in Your Spare Time"

From: Andrew Putnam (
Date: Thu Nov 25 2004 - 12:52:17 PST

  • Next message: Daniel Lowd: "How to 0wn the Internet..."

    How to 0wn the Internet in Your Spare Time
    Stewart Staniford, Vern Paxson, and Nicholas Weaver

    Summary: This paper examines some of the mechanisms by which recent
    worms have spread over the Internet, as well as a number of mechanisms
    that could potentially be used to increase the speed, efficiency, and
    stealth of future worms. The authors recommend the establishment of a
    national-level center for protecting the Internet from the threats
    posed by malicious code.

        The authors show how worms could infect an enormous number of
    machines in a very short time span; possibly as short as 15 minutes.
    The authors assume that this has not already been done, but I question
    whether or not anyone would have noticed had this been done before.
    Using the current detection techniques, which generally involved people
    e-mailing each other and saying "Do you guys see this weird traffic
    pattern?", it is unlikely that we would know whether or not this attack
    has already occurred. There could already be worms on the Internet that
    have propagated as quickly as the authors describe and we simply never
    found it, especially if the worm targeted computers that are not
    heavily monitored. This illustrates the need for the security community
    to address the problems of detecting unwanted programs installed by
    worms as well as simply stopping worm propagation.

        An interesting statistic that is derived from the paper is that
    nearly 40% of systems vulnerable to Code Red Iv2 were still vulnerable
    one month later when the second outbreak occurred. Since Code Red
    exploited the security vulnerability in Microsoft IIS, the vulnerable
    systems tend not to be home systems with unknowledgable users, but
    systems with lackadaisical system administrators. This further
    illustrates the inadequacy of current techniques for dealing with

        One very interesting observation the authors make is the potential
    for rapid distribution of worms through P2P networks. The authors
    identify a number of factors that are inherent in P2P networks that
    allows them to spread worms rapidly. With such potential for malicious
    code distribution, P2P protocols need to incorporate security measures
    to prevent or at least mitigate these attacks.

        While the frequent references to the terrorism threats posed by
    worms is overstated (perhaps because this is DARPA funded), the authors
    correctly point out both the breadth and severity of the problems that
    worms cause and can potentially cause. More importantly, the authors
    illustrate that our current mechanisms for dealing with such a serious
    threat are grossly inadequate. In particular, the human-dependent
    detection mechanisms are far too slow to counter near-term threats.
    Even worse, the authors point out that the detection mechanism, the
    security mailing list, is itself vulnerable to malicious behavior.
    Whether or not their suggestion for an Internet-CDC is the best path,
    the authors make it clear that the current mechanism for dealing with
    these threats is inadequate and must be addressed.

        One shortfall of the paper is that the mathematical model used to
    "predict" the worm behavior. While the mathematical model for worm
    propagation accurately fit the observed data, it did so through
    adjusting the two "constants" in the model to achieve the best fit. For
    the author's simplified model, the seemingly random choice of constant
    values provides little insight into behavior of the worm and how that
    behavior would differ given a different environment. For example, the
    initial outbreak of the Code Red Iv2 worm data fits the curve with
    K=1.8 and T=11.9. The re-emergence of Code Red a month later has K=0.7,
    and an obviously different T value. Since this is the same worm, a
    "constant" value should not change of the model is of any predictive
    value. Instead, these variables that changed between the first and the
    second outbreaks (such as the number of vulnerable systems) should be
    factored out of K and made their own variable. That way, we can
    actually make predictions using that model about how the worm would
    have behaved in a different environment. As is, we can only dumbly
    adjust constants until we get a pretty graph.

        The authors also make an oversight in assessing the possibility of
    combining some of the virus distribution techniques. Multi-vector worms
    such as Nimda cannot use permutation scanning to coordinate attacks
    since the machine could have been infected by methods other than an
    infected machine finding that machine through IP address scanning. Some
    of the virus distribution techniques cannot be mixed, so it may not be
    necessary to have techniques for countering all of these methods

  • Next message: Daniel Lowd: "How to 0wn the Internet..."

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