paper .

From: Scott Schremmer (
Date: Wed Nov 24 2004 - 07:20:22 PST

  • Next message: Kate Everitt: "WEP"

            The paper discusses security flaws that were found in the WEP
    protocol. The paper points out issues with the cypher chosen and message
    authentication. It is interesting that some of the flaws are exacerbated
    by the increased use of firmware. This eliminates creating something in
    hardware only as a method of increasing its security and lack of reverse
             I recall when setting up my wireless network at home noting the
    long key that needed to be entered into the network computers. That
    seemed a security flaw right there as the key is now on many mobile
    devices and it could perhaps be stolen when one is not at home/near their
    network. The paper mentions that issues relating to the distribution of
    keys can be significant.

            It seems problematic to me that the standard papers are note easy
    to obtain. We need to encourage the experts in the field to investigate
    the standard and find the issues with it.
            The paper does a good job of thoroughly explaining the issues.
    More effort could have been made to consider solutions. Novel ways to
    distribute keys? What code would be better than the crc, etc?

  • Next message: Kate Everitt: "WEP"

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