Review of DNS

From: Andrew Putnam (
Date: Thu Nov 25 2004 - 14:59:13 PST

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    Development of the Domain Name System
    Paul V. Mockapetris and Kevin J. Dunlap

    Summary: This paper discusses the design and motivation behind the
    Domain Name System (DNS) for name resolution on the Internet. The
    decisions and their repercussions are evaluated several years after

        The HOSTS.txt method for name resolution obviously was not scaling
    to the rapidly growing Internet. The time and effort associated with
    updating and distributing a single file from a single source seems to
    be a daunting task wrought with Administrivia. Certainly the system
    needed to be replaced, but the solution to the problem was not obvious.
    With the choice of using an existing naming infrastructure from other
    systems such as Grapevine, it is commendable that the DNS designers
    recognized the constraints that reusing the old systems would impose.
    The designers also took a huge risk, though, in that a new system would
    be make adoption difficult.

        The key design components that make DNS successful are the
    hierarchical structure and caching. The hierarchical structure solves
    the scalability problems of HOSTS.txt, while extensive caching makes
    performance tolerable. Hierarchy seems like an obvious choice,
    especially given the hierarchical structure of the Internet, but it is
    not entirely a blessing. The distributed administration leads to
    different interpretations on how to do things, and potential
    interoperability problems that were never a concern when a single
    entity handled administration.

        The distributed administration also raises questions as to how to
    resolve conflicts between different name servers. The potential of
    servers to hold different versions of files, as well as the potential
    for administrators to make errors, means that the system is vulnerable
    to conflicts in information. The paper was not clear in explaining how
    these conflicts were resolved, nor what the potential ramifications of
    conflicting data are on the system as a whole.

        One factor that lead to the adoption of DNS that the authors do not
    seem to acknowledge is the backwards compatibility with HOSTS.txt. DNS
    aimed to replace HOSTS.txt, but no part of the design forced users to
    choose between the two options. This made it easier to adopt DNS, and
    may have been the key factor in its success. This is especially true
    given the poor performance of the initial DNS implementation. Users
    could have frequent and critical information in their HOSTS.txt file,
    and then only deal with the poorly performing DNS system when accessing
    a new or atypical system.

        The authors did not do a good job of describing the cache coherence
    protocols, which seems to be an essential piece performance,
    correctness, and manageability. I would expect that each domain should
    contact other domains whenever it has an update. The only description I
    saw is that when name servers contact each other, they check the
    version number. Hopefully there is a way for name servers to distribute
    name changes.

        The name resolution for e-mail seems to be at the wrong level of
    abstraction. E-mail servers should be addressed by their name, but the
    actual address (the left side of the @ symbol) shouldn't have to be
    handled by the naming service.


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