review of paper 23

From: Shobhit Raj Mathur (
Date: Tue Nov 16 2004 - 22:32:09 PST

  • Next message: T Scott Saponas: "Review of Development of the Domain Name System"

    Development of the Domain Name System

    This paper describes the motivation and design for the first distributed
    DNS (Domain Name System). It discusses the implementation issues,
    successes and failures of the initial design.

    In the original ARPANET there were only a few hundred hosts and a central
    authority maintained a flat table of name-to-address bindings in a file
    called hosts.txt. Every host in the network downloaded a copy of the file
    and accessed the local copy to resolve names. Obviously this design did
    not scale and it was decided that to sustain the growth of Internet a
    distributed design would be required. The initial design of the DNS was a
    hierarchical namespace rather than a flat table like hosts.txt. The
    database was distributed and did not set any limits on the size of names
    etc. Data for each name in the DNS is organized as a set of RRs (resource
    records). Each RR is 5 tuple containing (name, value, type, class, TTL).

    In the initial implementation, the clients contact the root server to
    translate the name. If the root server has the corresponding RR it returns
    the IP address, else it returns the name of the DNS server which it thinks
    has the IP address and so on. This is feasible if the clients know the
    address of the root server. This is not feasible today. This is one issue
    that the authors could not foresee. In the current implementation the
    local name server does all the hard work for translating names on behalf
    of the client.

    This paper is an excellent example of how a good design and implementation
    would make deployment easier and widely acceptable. It is one of the
    success stories where the Internet was facing severe problems (in this
    case scalability) and a research proposal was widely accepted. The only
    other paper we have read which attained such success is the one about
    congestion control. Many other proposals though necessary in today's
    internet like PIM, XCP, QoS have so far failed in their fight against the
    existing inertia and haven't really taken off. The paper has a very unique
    style. It first describes the motivation, then proposes the solution and
    the implementation. The unique part was a section on the surprises in the
    performance, both positive and negative. The authors also discuss the
    problem that users did not want to move over to the new system easily from
    the established hosts.txt approach. This is very relevant to the existing
    internet where protocols like BGP which are the root cause of inefficiency
    in routing are not being replaced, due to backward compatibility issues
    and fear of 'surprises'.

  • Next message: T Scott Saponas: "Review of Development of the Domain Name System"

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