Review of STP

From: Andrew R Putnam (
Date: Mon Nov 15 2004 - 07:02:31 PST

  • Next message: Craig M Prince: "Reading Review 11-15-2004"

    Upgrading Transport Protocols Using Untrusted Mobile Code
    Parveen Patel, et. al.
    Summary: This paper introduces Self-spreading Transport Protocols, STP,
    that aim to enable rapid upgrades of transport protocols by inserting a
    safe interface into the network layer of the operating system kernel.
    Security is guaranteed by a trusted tool chain that uses a safe language.
    Untrusted protocol implementations can be downloaded and run without
    security risk, and without the need for upgrading the operating system
    There are many reasons why protocols are not rapidly spread and readily
    adopted. There is the lack of a central authority, the different needs of
    the user community, and the aversion to risk are all major factors.
    Perhaps one of the greatest factors is the slow pace of operating system
    development. Network transport protocols are implemented in the operating
    system kernel, so the operating system needs to be upgraded to handle the
    new protocol. The key benefit of STP is a kernel interface that allows
    rapid upgrades without the need for operating system patches or downloads.
    With a huge portion of the Internet user community being adverse to
    tinkering around with the operating system, this can have a major impact
    on the Internet overall.
    This system still does not address protocols that require changes to the
    network infrastructure (routers and gateways), which seem to account for a
    substantial percentage of the proposed yet unadopted protocols.
    I do have some concerns about the paper. The trusted toolchain seems to be
    the key vulnerability in the system. I am curious as to just how safe this
    system really is. Java has tried numerous times to provide a safe
    operating environment for untrusted code, and yet vulnerabilities
    continually crop up. It seems like STP opens security risks that may be
    hard to close. We frequently heard in Compilers class that there is no
    such thing as a truly safe language, at least not yet.
    I also wonder how flexible STP allows new protocols to be. It seems like
    the authors try to prevent protocols from exhibiting behavior that is
    significantly different than standard TCP. While this certainly provides a
    level of security for both the user and the network, it seems like it does
    not provide the flexibility for new protocols that operate in
    significantly different manners. If a protocol were introduced that could
    do much better than STP allows it to do, then you have the same protocol
    rollout problem with upgrading the kernel-side of STP that you do with any
    other protocol.

  • Next message: Craig M Prince: "Reading Review 11-15-2004"

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