Paper Review #13: Internet Indirection Infrastructure

From: Yuhan Cai (
Date: Sun Nov 14 2004 - 23:27:00 PST

  • Next message: Rosalia Tungaraza: "Review #13: Internet Indirection Infrastructure"

    Title: Internet Indirection Infrastructure
    Authors: Ion Stoica, Daniel Adkins, Shelley Zhuang, Scott Shenker, and Sonesh Surana

    Reviewed by: Yuhan Cai


    Main results of the paper:

    , It presents an infrastructure for the Internet that provides a rendezvous-based communication abstraction.

    , A prototype based on the Chord lookup protocol is built to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach.


    Strengths of the paper:

    , As a general-purpose infrastructure, it allows an efficient support for a variety of communication services.

    , The abstraction is flexible and rendezvous-based so that communication services other than uni-cast (such as multicast, anycast and mobility) can be easily built on top of it.

    , An overlay network has been built to demonstrate that the system can support relatively sophisticated applications.


    Key limitations:

    , Security and efficiency issues should have been addressed.


    Relevance of the paper:

    , It provides a generic system that avoids the inherent technical and deployment challenges, and the redundancy and lack of synergy in more traditional application-layer approaches.


    Future work:

    , Further experience with using and deploying new applications on top of the system is required.

    , It might be worthwhile to explore the trade-offs involved by using different lookup protocols to implement.

    , Better methods might exist for inexact matching.

  • Next message: Rosalia Tungaraza: "Review #13: Internet Indirection Infrastructure"

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