
From: Pravin Bhat (
Date: Sun Nov 14 2004 - 22:37:17 PST

  • Next message: Kevin Wampler: "i3 review"

    Paper summary: The paper proposes a new way to think about internet routing.
    In traditional routing the ends of a flow are tied to the hosts involved. i3
    unties a flow from the end-hosts thus allowing flows to take any desired shape.
    The shape of a flow can then be modified dynamically to best suite the needs of
    a specific application. Flows can be shaped as trees to support multicasting, or
    as dynamically updating chords to support anycast/mobile hosts. Flows can be
    deliberately made circuitous to increase anonymity and so on.

    Paper Strengths:

    The i3 paper is simply outstanding. The ideas presented in the paper are great.
    The paper is well written, explaining the technical details of the infrastructure
    with much clarity. The paper has great breadth in its analysis of the proposed
    infrastructure across various domains ranging from scalability to security. The
    authors also clarify how i3 compares to the existing body of research conducted
    in the field.

    Decoupling flow from end-hosts is a great idea. It adds much greater expressivity
    and flexibility to internet routing available on the current unicast based
    architecture. The number of new features that be built using this system far
    exceed the ones presented in the paper which as its stand is an impressive
    list - multicast, anycast, mobility, anonymity, self organization, load balancing,
    and heterogeneous multicast. Considering the incredible number of features that
    have been already built using the current architecture one can only expect such
    added expressivity to increase the feature set and application diversity by
    several orders.

    Limitations and further improvements:

    The authors claim that the end-hosts can minimize path inflation due to i3
    indirection by ensuring that the triggers are inserted in i3 nodes that are in
    close proximity. The end-host are required to find these close proximity i3 nodes
    by probing the network hence the system works under the assumptions that the
    proximity measure remains static over long periods of time. However this assumption
    does not hold for mobile hosts which could result in increased latency for such hosts.

    It is also not clear how end-hosts probe the network for close proximity i3 nodes.
    The authors suggest probing the network with trigger ids constructed using
    local zip codes or by probing a range of ids. The problem with the former is
    that end-hosts may not always know their zipcodes/physical-locations. The latter
    raises the question of how a end-host selects a range of ids to probe the network
    without sacrificing precision and at the same keeping redundant traffic to a minimum.

    Security is a concern with the i3 architecture. Consider a multicast based
    pay-per-view movie broadcast system. Using the i3 architecture a single host can
    "rent" the private id for a movie's multicast session and then share the id with
    everyone on the internet. In the existing architecture at least when a malicious user
    decides to share copyrighted content, the user has to do the broadcasting himself
    thus limiting the damage that can be done by a single user. However by sharing private
    ids a single user can effectively leverage the i3 architecture to broadcast copyrighted media.

    The paper falls short in the simulation section. Its surprising to see that the
    authors did not implement multicast in their i3 implementation. Also some of the number
    presented in the simulation results seem to be misrepresented: for example the authors
    claim that a server is able to maintain 2.4 * 10^6 triggers at any given time however this
    number is valid assuming the server is doing nothing but updating trigger ids.

    Deployment is also bound to be an issue with i3. i3 can be deployed as an
    overlay network on top of IP however considerable changes will have to be made in the
    end-host applications. Application that plan to work with the i3 infrastructure will have to
    use i3's publish-and-subscribe model in additional to the traditional socket model.

    Relevance and future work:

    The i3 infrastructure provides a solution for applications like P2P and media broadcasting
    that are gaining prominence in the internet today but their continued growth is unfeasible
    in the current unicast based architecture. This infrastructure will also enable new
    applications like heterogenous multicast to emerge which might have been previously next
    to impossible to implement.

    For future work, the authors need to strengthen their experimental implementation of i3 -
    implement multicast, fix the performance issues with the data structures and prove that
    their proposed architecture behaves as predicted in diverse simulations.

  • Next message: Kevin Wampler: "i3 review"

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