Review of RLM

From: Andrew Putnam (
Date: Wed Nov 10 2004 - 01:32:46 PST

  • Next message: Chandrika Jayant: "rlm"

    Review of Receiver-Driven Layered Multicast
    Steven McCanne and Van Jacobson

    Summary: Receiver-driven Layered Multicast (RLM) is proposed as an
    efficient way to enable multicast transmission with different speeds
    for different receivers. The technique relies on a learning algorithm
    for testing network status and finding the optimal possible operating

    The paper provided several good ideas to augment the previously
    proposed layered multicast delivery mechanism. First, the authors use a
    learning algorithm to allow the protocol to adapt to different network
    conditions over time. Second, their scheme works without changing any
    of the underlying Internet infrastructure. This may be the single most
    important property of an innovation in networking for any system that
    aims to actually benefit the Internet.

    The paper struck me as one that was published before some of the
    critical data required to validate and further define the protocol was
    available. The ideas in the paper are certainly novel, but the
    experimental methodology was weak.

    The time scales associated with the experiments seem to indicate that
    the algorithm is not particularly effective. For example, even in the
    extremely simple network configurations examined, it took 30 seconds
    for a receivers to reach optimal network bandwidth usage. If the
    optimal level is not particularly high, this leaves users joining the
    group up to 30 seconds of unacceptable quality video. This seems an
    inordinately long amount of time in terms of usability, and will likely
    lead to users giving up before a solid connection is established.

    Also, the join experiments took on the order of one second. While this
    gives at least a moderately good indication of current network traffic
    conditions, it is also likely to be user perceptible when numerous
    receivers are all testing the network.

    Most frightening is the authors admission and lack of discussion about
    the protocols ability to handle bursty network traffic. The authors
    simply cite a source that says that even streaming network video is
    bursty, then say that they cannot handle bursty traffic. That is the
    extent of the discussion. This seems to be a minimum requirement for
    any system that hopes to be deployed in the real world.

    The theoretical idea of RLM itself is not without its flaws. One of the
    key potential problems with RLM is its dependence on all participants
    cooperating, especially in periods of high congestion. I argue that
    periods of high congestion are exactly when you can expect someone to
    cheat and try to obtain excess bandwidth. With this version of RLM,
    tricking other users into relinquishing bandwidth is trivial since the
    protocol calls for subscribers to trust the information provided by
    other subscribers, even though there is no way to validate the
    trustworthiness of that data.

    I also am not sure that join experiments are the best way to test for
    the availability of additional bandwidth. The time scale for these
    experiments seems too short for any meaningful conclusions about the
    state of the network to be drawn. I understand that the join
    experiments should not use excess bandwidth, but it seems that there
    should be a better way to test the congestion status of the network
    rather than pushing it beyond its limits periodically. Perhaps using
    the timing information associated with the multicast flow in
    conjunction with the join experiments would provide a more meaningful
    measurement for such a short time span.

    This was not the first paper proposing layered multicast delivery
    scheme. As such, I think the quality of the results should have been
    greater before it were published.

  • Next message: Chandrika Jayant: "rlm"

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