Receiver-driven Layered Multicast

From: Michael J Cafarella (
Date: Wed Nov 10 2004 - 01:08:13 PST

  • Next message: Andrew Putnam: "Review of RLM"

    Receiver-driven Layered Multicast
    By McCanne, Jacobson, and Vetterli

    Review by Michael Cafarella
    November 10, 2004

    Main result:
    The authors describe a problem in delivering multicast streaming media
    over congested links. In most network application, the source node uses
    congestion feedback to adjust its transmission rate. In media multicast,
    we would like to avoid doing this because different receivers will experience
    different congestion levels. If the transmitter adjusts bandwidth down
    for the most-congested receiver, then other receivers will see low-bitrate
    data streams.

    The solution is to create an ordered list of media streams from the transmitter.
    Subscribing to more than one stream raises the media quality. Receivers
    subscribe to as many streams as possible, until they thereby induce
    congestion. In this way, the RLM protocol works somewhat like TCP/IP's
    probe-and-backoff technique for finding the correct transmission speed. Except,
    of course, in RLM the receivers are trying to find the right data rate.

    Through a combination of careful timer choices and link experimentation, it's
    possible for a single receiver to find a good data rate. However, when multiple
    receivers are trying to find a good data rate, the result can be strange
    congestion behavior on the links between transmitter and receivers. So,
    groups of receivers communicate with each other to perform "shared learning."
    Nearby receivers are likely to experience similar congestion from the transmitter,
    so it's reasonable for them to share data on congestion experiments.

    The start of this paper seems to posit a series of routers in the network that
    can carry or drop these "adjustable traffic" streams depending on network load.
    Of course, this does not exist; routers simply drop incoming packets when the
    buffer is full. But shared learning among nearby receivers seems to create
    the same effect. The nearby receivers form something of a virtual router that
    allows or disallows the media streams from flowing to further points in the
    network. I thought this was very clever, and was one of the most impressive
    parts of the paper.

    It's a shame that there wasn't more study of the networking primitives that
    the RLM system would suggest. I bet there are a solid number of them, which
    are left somewhat unexplored.

    This paper is still relevant today for two reasons, neither of which have much
    to do with multimedia. First, the idea that receivers dictate transmission speed
    just as much as transmitters is a helpful one in creating modern solutions
    for problems TCP used to solve. Second, the shared learning and resulting "overlay"
    network of media recipients might suggest a way around many modern rollout

  • Next message: Andrew Putnam: "Review of RLM"

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