routing metric

From: Lillie Kittredge (
Date: Mon Nov 01 2004 - 07:46:00 PST

  • Next message: ssaponas: "Review of The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric"

    Arpanet routing metric

    This paper shows the effect of fiddling with the central metric of the
    ARPANET's routing protocol.

    At first glance, the link metric for a network doesn't seem like it ought
    to matter all that much; as long as it calls bad links bad and good links
    good, it'll work, right? This paper shows that fairly subtle changes to
    the metric can have substantial effects on routing performance. In this
    case, the proposed link metric replaces a metric which performed well
    under light traffic conditions and poorly under heavy. The main symptom
    was an oscillation of routing paths. This is essentially equivalent to
    everybody at once saying "sure is crowded on link A. hey, link B's
    empty!" and everybody rushing to B, making it the crowded one. The key
    problem is that each node is being greedy; each trying to get the best
    path. In the improved algorithm, we try to get the best _average_ route.
    The other main problem is the difference between light traffic loads and
    heavy; the new metric makes an explicit distinction between these two and
    treats them differently.

    In the context of computing today, a difficulty with this class of routing
    algorithms, regardless of the metric, is that all nodes must know the full
    topology of the network. While this is a fairly reasonable assumption in
    wired networks, it's less solid to assume in wifi LANs, where nodes may
    come and go with fairly high frequency.

  • Next message: ssaponas: "Review of The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric"

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