Paper Review #9: The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric

From: Yuhan Cai (
Date: Sun Oct 31 2004 - 22:37:23 PST

  • Next message: Ethan Katz-Bassett: "Review of The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric"

    Title: The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric
    Author: Atul Khanna and John Zinky
    Reviewed by: Yuhan Cai


    Main results of the paper:

    , It presents the revised ARPANET routing metric which has significantly improved the network performance but does not affect the Shortest Path First (SPF) route computation algorithm.

    , The shortcomings of the existing routing schemes are overcome by a successful new metric in terms of both user delay and network capacity.


    Strengths of the paper:

    , Substantial performance improvements are provided.

    , It has kept many features of SPF, and on the other hand, overcome most of the major defects of it.


    Key limitations:

    , It assumes conditions of light loading, but does not guarantee SPF when heavy loads come.


    Relevance of the paper:

    , Not only is the revised metric effective for ARPANET, but also it can be generalized to other major networks.


    Future work:

    , It might be of interest to explore how to deal with cases of congestion and large jitters.



  • Next message: Ethan Katz-Bassett: "Review of The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric"

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