Review 12-1

From: Erika Rice (
Date: Sun Oct 31 2004 - 11:51:08 PST

  • Next message: Michelle Liu: "Review of "The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric""

    Review of "The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric" by Atul Khanna and John

    In "The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric" Atul Khanna and John Zinky
    describe the shortcomings of the then current ARPANET routing metric.
    Based on these shortcomings, they designed and deployed a new routing
    metric, HN-SPF (Hop-Normalized Shortest Path First) which solved some of
    these problems with minimal change to the network.

    This algorithm had several notable attributes. It used average values
    instead of instantaneous values for quantities like queue length. The
    realization that averages reduce the effects of transient network
    fluctuations is an observations that is used extensively today and was a
    great improvement over the instantaneous measurements used previously.

    Also notable was the effectiveness of the algorithm. By just changing
    the routing metric there was a 40% reduction in the round trip delay
    packets experienced and a 13% increase in throughput. Although this can
    be attributed to the improvements they made o the algorithm, part of
    what made the changes so effective was the fact that the new algorithm
    could be implemented throughout the whole network. The benefits that
    are realizable with universal and efficient deployment can only be
    imagined in today's Internet.

  • Next message: Michelle Liu: "Review of "The Revised ARPANET Routing Metric""

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