Clark + Fang

From: Scott Schremmer (
Date: Wed Oct 27 2004 - 02:55:23 PDT

  • Next message: Jenny Liu: "review of "Explicit Allocation of Best-Effort Packet Delivery Service""

            This paper describes a method of allocating bandwidth between
    several different users in times of network congestion. In the method
    proposed packets entering a network are metered and tagged as "In" or
    "out". A packet is tagged as In if the meter indicates that the network
    isn't exceeding its alloted bandwidth. It is tagged as out otherwise.
    Packets tagged with "out" are the first to be dropped when congestion
    begins. This method allows for limitations to the amount of traffic that
    can go through into a given network. Also on the plus side, while this
    method does require a change in the network routers' programming to deal
    with the "in" and "out" tags this change is minimal.

            This paper presents some simulation results showing how well this
    scheme works in a TCP network. The paper, however, doesn't present any
    analytical results to prove this method works. Analytical results or
    simulation results that consider a partially deployed solution could be
            This paper is clearly extremely relevent right now as ISP's
    consider how they could provide different levels of service.


  • Next message: Jenny Liu: "review of "Explicit Allocation of Best-Effort Packet Delivery Service""

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