Paper Review #8: Explicit Allocation of Best-Effort Packet Delivery Service

From: Yuhan Cai (
Date: Tue Oct 26 2004 - 22:02:17 PDT

  • Next message: Ioannis Giotis: "review"

     Title: Explicit Allocation of Best-Effort Packet Delivery Service
    Author: David D. Clark and Wenjia Fang
    Reviewed by: Yuhan Cai


    Main results of the paper:

    , A framework called "allocated-capacity" for bandwidth allocation in congestion control is presented.

    , The effectiveness of the framework is demonstrated by experimental results in a simulated environment.


    Strengths of the paper:

    , The framework presented is simple, scalable and flexible.

    , Another two complementary (sender-based and receiver-based) methods for traffic control are also described.

    , The same principle can also be applied to traditional applications such as file transfer and new applications such as real-time video.

    , The framework allows users in different areas to make different capacity allocation decisions.

    , The mechanism is also able to provide provisioning requirement information.


    Key limitations:

    , It focuses only on bulk-data transfers, but does not address the case where relatively small amount of data is transferred.


    Relevance of the paper:

    , A high degree of assurance is provided for the best-effort service over the current internet by the "allocated-capacity" framework.


    Future work:

    , It might be of interest to generalize the framework to other protocols.


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