
From: Pravin Bhat (
Date: Wed Oct 27 2004 - 07:57:50 PDT

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    Paper summary:
    The paper proposes the Integrated Services Packet Network (ISPN) architecture
    aimed at adding support for real-time applications that are
    non-adaptive/fault-intolerant and adaptive/fault-tolerant applications. These
    real-time applications cannot be accurately modeled in our current datagram
    based model.

    Limitations and Areas for improvement:
    The algorithm assumes several things about the network
    which may not be true.
    - 85% of the traffic on the network shown in the paper
    was real-time traffic. This is probably not true for
    real world networks.
    - The paper assumes that the network is guarded at the
    edges to allow the rest of the network to work outside
    a pure isolation model.
    _ The paper assumes that network captivity in the recent
    past is a good predictor of the services a network can
    provide in the near future. However real-world networks
    tend to have high variance in traffic load, self-similarity
    and other complex behaviors.

    The scheduling algorithm and the network architecture
    presented in this paper would be really hard to deploy
    in the real-world. The authors did not provide any
    deployment plan on how their algorithm would work
    with other existing technologies like the TCP during
    the period of deployment. Also it would be very hard to
    ensure that every network edge router enforced the
    rule that no application violate the token-bucket filter
    agreed upon at connection time.

    The algorithm suffers from imprecise calculations of upper-bound on delays.
    With TCP an application could figure out almost the exact delay for
    the network at any given moment by sending some packets and checking their
    RTTS. In the architecture proposed by the paper, the application would
    provide its expected-rate/burst-bound and the network would return an
    upper-bound on the max-delay. Unfortunately, to account for the worst case
    scenario the network has to use an additive estimate (add delays for all
    routers on the path). This can be grossly inaccurate and cause the application
    to push-back playback for an unreasonable amount of time which would also require
    a massive buffer.

    While the bandwidth requirement for several applications
    can be thought of as requiring a minimum rate of data transfer
    it would be very hard to calculate the burst-bound for
    many applications (which is required during the setup).
    Video playback does not involve a lot human interaction and
    such applications could potentially calculate their burstiness.
    But application like multiplayer games or teleconferencing
    involving real-time human-interactions would have a hard
    time putting a tight bound on their burstiness.

    Future work and relevance:
    The paper is the right step in terms of thinking about the kind of
    services the future internet would have to provide. Certainly
    a growing number of applications can be modeled better using the
    adaptive, fault-tolerant real-time networking model than the datagram
    model we are used to.

    As the paper admits for this architecture to be adopted a lot of
    political, administrative and technical hurdles need to be overcome
    first. Future work on this architecture would have to answer more
    of the non-technical questions surrounding its deployment.

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