From: Chandrika Jayant (
Date: Tue Oct 26 2004 - 22:20:14 PDT

  • Next message: Charles Reis: "Review 8"

    "Supporting Real-Time Applications in an Integrated Services Packet
                Architecture and Mechanism"
    Written by David D. Clark, Scott Shenker, and Lixia Zhang
    Reviewed by Chandrika Jayant
    This paper proposes an Integrated Services Packet Network (ISPN)
    architecture that supports real-time services (guaranteed and predicted)
    while also accommodating datagram traffic. Though guaranteed real-time
    service is the ideal for users, the authors of this paper argue that
    with cost benefits many users will be happy with a predicted but still
    highly (successful) service especially with an incentive of lower cost.
    The authors clearly show the needs of successful real-time streams (i.e.
    appropriate playback point, dealing with jitter, and keeping packets in
    order). How many packets can we lose? Do we need strict delay bounds or
    just statistical ones? These questions lead to two main groups of
    real-time apps: intolerant rigid (guaranteed) and tolerant adaptive
    (predicted). The services shows make and commit services according to
    their different needs. The authors make a logical distinction between
    isolation and sharing. They show how isolation is natural for guaranteed
    service (exemplified by WFQ) and sharing for predicted (ex. by FIFO). A
    new scheme, FIFO+, is proposed to smoothes out jitter for multi-hop
    sharing. Sharing is neatly wrapped in isolation to still protect from
    malicious/greedy users so there are benefits from both properties.
    Unified scheduling with FIFO+ is proposed to include all three types of
    traffic- guaranteed rt, predicted rt, and datagram. Priority classes are
    provided for isolation, jitter is "shifted" between classes.
    Some problems I had with the paper: I would like to see more different
    scheduling algorithms tested out (work-conserving and non). Some
    percentage of bandwidth in unified scheduling needs to be reserved for
    datagram traffic. 10% is suggested, I'd like to see more discussion.
    Also, I am not completely convinced about the amount of users that will
    use predicted service over guaranteed. I understand that making cost a
    parameter, it gives an incentive for predicted service (and different
    priority layers). But the authors do mention that the amount of
    bandwidth and type of service requested can severely affect utilization-
    if too many guaranteed services are requested, less users will be
    satisfied. How can this be managed? I wanted more mechanism details
    instead of all architecture.
    At the time this paper was written, 1992, quality of service was
    becoming a large issue as real-time networks were becoming increasingly
    important and networks were expanding. The specific data for specific
    network paradigm was becoming obsolete for many applications.
    Future work mentioned included more solid work to do on admission
    control, in a dynamic network setting. A sufficiently reliable predicted
    service class needed to be better established. Also other scheduling and
    queuing algorithms needed to be experimented with. A question which
    seems to be in all the papers we are reading now, is this realistic to
    implement? How easy would this be to deploy? How much to add to packets,
    how much to make gateways do and end hosts do? It seems like adding all
    this weight to the routers could be a hassle.

  • Next message: Charles Reis: "Review 8"

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