Review 10-27

From: Erika Rice (
Date: Tue Oct 26 2004 - 11:51:22 PDT

  • Next message: Ethan Phelps-Goodman: "Real-Time Apps"

    "Supporting Real-Time Applications in an Integrated Services Packet
    Network: Architecture and Mechanism" by David Clark, Scott Shenker, and
    Lixia Zhang:

    In "Supporting Real-Time Applications in an Integrated Services Packet
    Network: Architecture and Mechanism" David Clark, Scott Shenker, and
    Lixia Zhang discuss the need for networks to be able to handle different
    types of traffic. The current best effort system works well for
    transferring data, but it does not work well for real-time applications.
    Even within the domain of real-time applications there are different

    The authors identify what they feel are the two primary need classes of
    real-time applications: "rigid and intolerant" and "adaptive and
    tolerant". Rigid and intolerant traffic needs a fixed and guaranteed
    rate and cannot handle any interruptions. Adaptive and tolerant traffic
    and deal with variation in the delivery rate and some interruptions.

    The most interesting point in this paper is that an architecture that
    has the best guarantees for everyone is not always the best. Completely
    separating flows from the effects of others (like with weighted fair
    queuing) can under utilize network resources. It also has the problem
    that a burst from a single source can create a very large amount of
    jitter for that source. For adaptive and tolerant traffic, it may be
    better to give everyone a little jitter (because the network knows they
    can handle it) rather than penalizing one person.

    The result of these observations is that the most flexible architecture
    might be one that allows different levels of traffic. There are hard
    guarantees for some (needed rate always given), predictive guarantees
    for others (if the network does not change, rates are given), and no
    guarantees for other (the current best effort approach). Better
    services would cost more, thus using economics to ensure balanced use of
    the network. Such a plan would provide a flexible network architecture
    that would allow everyone the service they need, but give them incentive
    to ask for the lowest level of service they can handle.

  • Next message: Ethan Phelps-Goodman: "Real-Time Apps"

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