Fair Queueing

From: Daniel Lowd (lowd@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Mon Oct 25 2004 - 01:57:42 PDT

  • Next message: Alan L. Liu: "Review of "Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm"

    This paper introduced and analyzed a queueing algorithm that met certain
    fairness criteria, specifically that users who used less than their
    allotted bandwith would receive faster service, and that no user could use
    more than its portion. The main advantages of the algorithm over previous
    work seem to be that it takes into account packet size and that it can
    offer lower latency to intermittent conversations. The analysis seemed
    fairly involved; it's difficult to test such a change in every possible
    scenario. They seem to have chosen a number that illustrate the potential
    advantages of their method.

    The biggest problem with the algorithm not that it seems wrong, or flawed,
    or limited... but that it seems obvious. Once you decide that round-robin
    rewards large packets, bit-by-bit round-robin is the logical remedy... and
    to create something that's equivalent ot bit-by-bit round-robin but
    feasible... well, that's just bookkeeping and algebra, right? The \delta
    parameter is a cute hack that gives an advantage to intermittent
    conversations, but the rest was fairly straightforward. And then, to fill
    up the space, they put in lots of formulas and tables and numbers. Do I
    really care if "A(P) = N(P - P_F/2) for P \geq P_F"?

    In conclusion, I think that this paper presents a valuable algorithm along
    with a fair bit of useful analysis. The idea presented is very simple --
    it just makes sense. If only the analyses and experiments were the

  • Next message: Alan L. Liu: "Review of "Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm"

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