Review of "Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm"

From: Jonas Lindberg (
Date: Sun Oct 24 2004 - 16:43:18 PDT

  • Next message: Michael J Cafarella: "A Fair Queueing Algorithm"

    Review of A. Demers, S. Keshav, and S. Shenker's "Analysis and Simulation of
    a Fair Queueing Algorithm"


    By: Jonas Lindberg


    This paper has two major contributions: first the authors present
    improvements to Nagel's Fair Queuing algorithm (e.g. to consider packet
    length); second they present results from simulations in which FQ and FCFS
    is compared.


    An interesting discussion about fairness is held throughout the paper and
    the authors explain why they do not consider FCFS fair. Demers also present
    a lot of interesting advantages with FQ, such as increased throughput as a
    consequence of shorter delay for small ACK packets.


    The simulations that are presented consists of six scenarios: "Underloaded
    Gateway", "Overloaded Gateway", "Ill-Behaved Source", "Mixed Source",
    "Multihop Path", and "Complicated Network". The chosen scenarios show
    differences between FQ and FCFS and each scenario is followed by a
    discussion. It is clear that in these scenarios the FQ algorithm performs
    better than FCFS.


    When it comes to how the paper can be improved, I think the authors'
    suggestions for future work and improvements are good. However, when reading
    the paper I felt that it sometimes is not clear where to find the different
    arguments and I therefore believe that it might be room for improvements in
    the structuring of the paper.


    I think this paper is relevant since it has contributed to a better design
    of FQ algorithms. The discussion on fairness makes it even more interesting.


  • Next message: Michael J Cafarella: "A Fair Queueing Algorithm"

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