Review of Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm

From: Chuck Reeves (
Date: Sun Oct 24 2004 - 22:39:14 PDT

  • Next message: Kevin Wampler: "Demers et al review"

    The paper, "Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm" was
    written in 1989 by a number of researchers from Xerox PARC. Extending
    the previous of work of Nagle (first-come-first-serve FCFS), this paper
    presents a fair queueing (FQ) algorithm that provides fair allocation
    and is resistant to ill behaved sources. The algorithm

    The paper's strengths include its detailed description of the problem
    with existing approaches and its consideration for a wide variety of
    source behaviors. Specifically section 2.1 clearly identifies specific
    weaknesses in FCFS (lack of consideration for packet lengths and
    ill-behaved sources) and the simulations in all scenarios of section 4
    use a variety of flow control algorithms. Additionally, I thought the
    author's were successful in showing through their algorithms and testing
    that this approach is effective in acting as a virtual fire-wall against
    ill-behaved sources. The graph in figure 1 provides a distinct contrast
    between FCFS and FQ.

    While the math equations provided in section 2.2 of the paper were
    interesting I thought they did a poor job of describing the behavior of
    the implemented algorithm. The textual summaries seemed more concrete
    and effective e.g.

     "Our packet-by-packet transmission algorithm is simply defined by the
    rule that whenever a packet finishes transmission, the next packet sent
    is the one with the smallest value of F(i,alpha)"

    The simulations certainly failed to establish this approach as a perfect
    solution. Scenario 4 shows uneven distribution of throughput in the
    presence of some older protocols.

    This technology has pertinence today in that (if implemented) it
    provides a measure of resistance to many denial-of-service attacks,
    especially those originating from a specific branch of the network.



  • Next message: Kevin Wampler: "Demers et al review"

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