Review 10-25

From: Erika Rice (
Date: Sun Oct 24 2004 - 20:16:24 PDT

  • Next message: Kate Everitt: "Fair Queueing"

    "Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm" by Alan Demers,
    Srinivasan Keshav, and Scott Shenker:

    The paper "Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm" by Alan
    Demers, Srinivasan Keshav, and Scott Shenker describes a queueing
    algorithm to replace first come first serve queueing. Their algorithm
    is based on Nagle's proposal where routers have queues for each source;
    these queues are serviced in a round robin manner.

    Two contributions of their paper were the observation queueing
    algorithms allocate three fairly independent quantities (bandwith,
    promptness, and packet dropping) and the observation that a packet based
    round robin scheme does not preserve fairness (a source sending larger
    packets would get an unfair amount of resources.

    Although the authors do not completely separate bandwith allocation,
    promptness, and packet dropping in their algorithm, the fact that they
    make explicit the separate nature of these issues is significant.
    Separation allows the issues to be addressed separately, and, therefore,
    each issue can be addressed in an appropriate and possibly more
    effective manner.

    The second observation was the heart of their algorithm. The authors
    realized that the round robin algorithm would be more fair if each queue
    had one bit delivered from it at a time. Since this is impossible, they
    intoduced a way to approximate this.

    One shortcoming of this paper was that the authors did not give
    sufficient space to the issue of how this algorithm would behave in a
    heterogenous network. If only a small number of routers used their
    method, would it make a difference? Would it make performance worse?
    Such observations would have been valuable to the reader.

  • Next message: Kate Everitt: "Fair Queueing"

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