From: Chandrika Jayant (cjayant@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Sun Oct 24 2004 - 16:44:06 PDT

  • Next message: Chandrika Jayant: "FQ_read this one"

    "Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queuing Algorithm"
    Written by Alan Demers
    Reviewed by Chandrika Jayant
    This paper proposes a gateway router fair queuing algorithm to help
    avoid network congestion. It is important to note that this algorithm
    does not attempt to improve on congestion control itself (after the
    fact). This algorithm is similar to Nagle's FQ algorithm but it uses
    bit by bit round robin instead of packet round robin. This makes
    bandwidth allocation fair in that users who aren't using their full
    bandwidth share have lower delay, and does not give users with larger
    packet size any advantage. In the FQ algorithm each user has its own
    queue at the gateway so malicious users have a harder time taking over
    I like how Demers logically separates the quantities of bandwidth,
    promptness, and buffer space. In FCFS these quantities become more
    dependent on each other and are hard to attack separately (providing no
    protection against malicious/greedy users). In regard to his FQ
    algorithm, Demers first defines his idea of "fairness" as the max-min
    fairness criterion and "user" as a particular source-destination pair.
    It seems clear that with an expanding network and many different
    services provided, more testing needs to be done with different fairness
    and user criteria. Also, FQ and the flow control algorithms from the
    hosts will need to communicate properly and be able to adapt to many
    different definitions of both of those terms, not an easy task.
    The paper gives an algorithm which claims to provide fair bandwidth
    allocation, protection from malicious sources, and lower delay for
    sources using less than their full bandwidth share. I am pretty
    convinced of the advantages of the method compared to FCFS and Nagle's
    FQ algorithm. However, there were a few gaps in the paper. Demers only
    considered a restricted class of arrival streams to show (FTP and
    Telnet). They do span different transfer scenarios (large file transfer
    vs intermittent packet sending), but I am not convinced how well this
    algorithm would work with different types of service (media streams,
    etc). Also, the simulations and comparison part of the paper was so
    complicated and messy (not enough graphs) that it was hard to follow.
    The paper moves a step up in terms of quality of service. However more
    evidently needs to be tested out with different streams, higher loads,
    different flow control algorithms, and more needs to be thought about
    how this would fit in with the existing network. The paper also brings
    up the end to end argument again by showing what might be good to do at
    the hosts versus the gateways. As networks were rapidly growing in the
    80s this paper is timely and is a good next step at improving congestion
    avoidance, but could have been a lot more solid.

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