Review of paper 12

From: Shobhit Raj Mathur (
Date: Sun Oct 24 2004 - 13:48:10 PDT

  • Next message: Seth Cooper: "Review of "Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm""

    Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm

    This paper proposes modifications to Nagle's Fair Queueing Algorithm(FQ) and then compares its performance mainly with the FCFS
    algorithm. FQ performs much better than FCFS when compared to fair allocation of bandwidth, lower delay for sources using less than
    jtheir full share of bandwidth and protection from ill-behaved sources. On
    the whole, FQ delivers satisfactory performance in a wide
    variety of network scenarios and is much better than the naive FCFS algorithm.

    This paper correctly identifies the deficiencies(packet size etc.) in
    Nagles' approach and corrects them. It uses a source-destination pair to
    represent a 'user' which seems to be the best available option for
    bandwidth and buffer space allocation. It attempts to find a practical
    match for the ideal bit-by-bit round robin(BR) transmission scheme. For
    this purpose it proposes a non-preemptive packetized algorithm that uses
    the finishing time of a packet according to BR to order the outgoing
    queue. It also proposes an algorithm for promptness, which results in
    lesser delay to users who utilize less than their fair share of bandwidth.

    The authors choose to simulate their algorithm on a network which consists
    of Telnet and FTP conversations. This scenario is not sufficient and the
    authors agree to this. A wider variety of applications(like streaming
    media, web browsing etc.) would make the results more relevant. The
    results suggest that FQ is definitely better than FCFS and when combined
    with the DECbit algorithm the performance of FQ improves.

    Irrespective of the experimental results, the paper convinces the reader
    that FQ is a viable alternative to FCFS. The internet today has many
    malicious and non-cooperating users, FQ attempts to provide fair
    allocation of bandwidth in such an environment. This is a big leap from
    the FCFS queueing algorithm which makes the inadmissible assumption of
    cooperating users and fails miserably in non-cooperating scenarios. Among
    the 3 goals that the paper had, it does well on proposing the modified FQ
    and providing a rigorous understanding of the proposed algorithm. It
    doesn't do very well in the performance evaluation section, but the
    results are sufficient to claim that FCFS is not adequate and that FQ
    addresses the major concerns. I liked the game-theoretic analysis of FQ,
    according to which users are rewarded for devising more sophisticated and
    responsive algorithms. As the paper says, FQ algorithms make
    self-optimizing source behavior result in fair, protective,
    non-manipulable and stable networks. Coupled with the fact that no changes
    in flow control algorithms are required and that gateways have enough
    computing resources today, this is more than sufficient incentive to
    implement FQ in the gateways.

    In future, Weighted FQ can be used to provide simple QoS guarantees
    without changing the underlying internet architecture. This is an simple
    extension to FQ and has many useful consequences, though it does not solve
    the problem of QoS completely.

  • Next message: Seth Cooper: "Review of "Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm""

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