
From: Ioannis Giotis (
Date: Wed Oct 20 2004 - 01:29:19 PDT

  • Next message: Jonas Lindberg: "Review of "Congestion Control for High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks""

    Congestion Control for High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks

    This paper presents a new transport protocol, that aims to deal with
    problems occurring from the latest internet trends, high bandwidth large
    delayed links in particular.

    XCP's main difference from TCP is that it injects congestion state
    information in the packets, essentially making the hosts respond in advance
    to congestion problems. This allows simpler router implementations and more
    importanly better congestion control when dealing with high delay links. The
    authors present their case both analytically and with simulations. The
    authors present a strong case and proove that XCP is better than TCP when
    dealing with these networks.

    The question however is if those networks reflect future internet. It seems
    that both their analytical and simulation results assume some kind of
    uniform distribution on the data flows. While probably closer to the truth
    than the simulations done by TCP queueing control systems, scenarios which
    would make XCP perform bad still exist, and one cannot be sure if such
    scenarios will not actually be met.

    Overall, is XCP better than congestion management at the routers ? Who
    knows, I believe that only extensive analysis of real internet traffic would
    show that. But even that is obsolete as internet is changing so rapidly...

  • Next message: Jonas Lindberg: "Review of "Congestion Control for High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks""

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