Reading Review 10-20-2004

From: Craig M Prince (
Date: Tue Oct 19 2004 - 23:56:12 PDT

  • Next message: Charles Reis: "Review 6"

    Reading Review 10-20-2004
    Craig Prince

    The paper titled "Congestion Control for High Bandwidth-Delay Product
    Networks" is a novel paper describing a new congestion control mechanism
    that is far more robust than TCP's congestion control mechanism. The paper
    correctly identifies the problem that using packet-loss to signal
    congestion, while accurate, is a very slow way to detect congestion since
    packets are only detected as being lost after a timeout. Another correct
    observation is that using packet loss gives a very coarse indication of
    how congested a network is (either it is congested and is losing packets,
    or isn't). These are just two of the issues that cause TCP to break down
    under high load. Another issue has to do with the artificial damping
    (slow-start, AIMD) introduced into TCP's congestion control to prevent
    oscillations (which the paper shows still don't work under
    high-bandwidth/high-delay). This damping effectively reduces the
    efficiency of the network under normal operation.

    In light of all of these problems it seems obvious that there must be a
    better congestion control protocol and the authors proposed such a
    protocol, called XCP. The basic idea behind XCP is that bandwidth is
    carefully managed by the individual nodes to prevent sources from sending
    more than the link can handle. There is an explicit signaling mechanism
    (the XCP header) which informs the sources how much bandwidth there is
    available (for that source). The routers in a network can now prevent
    congestion before it occurs and as a result will not get more incoming
    bandwidth than there is outgoing room for. This results in very little
    oscillation and means maximum utilization is quickly reached -- even under
    high load.

    Unlike other such stable protocols which rely on per flow state in the
    router, this protocol places the state in the individual packets
    themselves and so the nodes can actually be completely stateless. I find
    this neat because there is a great reluctance to add state to routers and
    so having a stateless protocol means it actually has a chance of being

    Another cool aspect of the protocol is that it actually decouples the
    issues of utilization from fairness. TCP combines these two into one which
    makes it very difficult to modify one without affecting the other. The XCP
    protocol cleanly separates the two. This makes sense since to prevent
    dropped packets all we care about is managing how many bits flow through a
    link; how a router chooses to divide those bits amongst the various
    parties is its own business (literally).

    I found it a little surprising that there was almost no packet loss in any
    of the experiments conducted. This seems to suggest that the explicit
    notification scheme is very powerful and effective; however, I wonder if
    there are cases where their system will begin to break down.

    One concern I have with the protocol is in the brief treatment given to
    security (Section 7). In this section, they compare their protocol's
    security to TCP's security. The only problem I have is that in TCP the
    worse an adversary can do is to try to use too much bandwidth (which is
    limited by the adversary's bandwidth); however, in XCP the router relies
    on the cwnd and rtt values from the packet to perform important
    calculations. Is there some security issue here not present in TCP --
    after all the router is now trusting input from an untrustworthy source.

    Overall, I found the arguments in this paper to be very effective. I think
    this paper illustrates some of the important arguments that need to be
    made when proposing new protocols: show it fixes a (important) problem,
    show that it doesn't cause new problems, show that it's cost is low, and
    show that it can be deployed incrementally. This paper does all of these
    and so the question remains: Why aren't we using this protocol yet?

  • Next message: Charles Reis: "Review 6"

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