Review of The Design Philosphy of the DARPA Internet Protocols

From: Alan L. Liu (
Date: Sun Oct 03 2004 - 23:03:03 PDT

  • Next message: Rosalia F Tungaraza: "Review no. 1: The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocol by David D. Clark"

    * What is the main result of the paper?

    The Internet as we know it, in the form of a packet-switched facility
    based on the datagram model, was built to allow different networks to
    interoperate. The set of goals and their order of importance greatly
    influenced the architecture.

    * What strengths do you see in this paper?

    The paper describes the foremost goal that gave rise to the Internet,
    namely the goal of creating an effective interconnection between
    existing (and future) computer networks. The Internet needed to be
    flexible in order to support widely disparate networks, so heterogeneity
    was a built-in assumption to its model. What was strong about the paper
    was that it made it clear that had all the goals of the project been
    ranked differently, a vastly different architecture could have arisen.
    This drives home the point that tradeoffs are necessary in creating the
    Internet protocols -- there is no one solution that serves all the needs
    of its users.

    The paper also does a good job at explaining what the consequences of
    many of the design decisions were. For instance, by having a datagram
    model instead of forcing a byte-stream model, one could support
    streaming data where the loss of certain packets is not critical, but
    latency is. On the other hand, the byte-stream model is critical for
    applications where one needs the data to all be transferred correctly,
    while latency is a lesser concern to bandwidth.

    * What are some key limitations, unproven assumptions, or methodological
    problems with the work?

    One problem is that the paper mentions how successful the Internet is,
    without providing metrics and a definition of "success," in much the
    same way that the author admits that the central goal of designing an
    "effective interconnection" was without a definition of "effective." So,
    is the Internet really a success? One might consider it a success if the
    higher-ranked goals were mostly met, but today's Internet is almost the
    opposite of the Internet as it was meant to be used two decades ago. In
    fact, the paper mentions that a "commercial" Internet would look vastly
    different, which is interesting because commercial interests now play a
    significant role in how the Internet is used today.

    * How could the work be improved?

    The paper could be improved if it had concrete data to back up its
    claims. Although many of the statements seem self-evident, there are a
    lot of underlying assumptions. For example, when explaining the overhead
    of a packet due to its header, the argument is that a file transfer
    makes that overhead negligible. But what percentage of all connections
    are for file transfers? What overhead is acceptable for remote terminal
    connections? What quantifiable impact do the overheads cause, not just
    in terms of overhead but in terms of the Internet user experience? These
    questions and more could have been investigated and addressed, or at
    least attempted, instead of only being worth mentioning in passing.

    * What is its relevance today, or what future work does it suggest?

    The fact that today's Internet has a more commercial bent suggests that
    the decision to rely on packet-switching instead of virtual circuits
    must be revisited. The fact that resource accountability was negligible
    in the original design allows Denial-of-Service attacks to become a
    major problem in the current Internet, and raises questions that need to
    be further explored, such as whether there is any good way of fixing the
    problems now caused by not meeting the goals, or whether a new
    interconnection network is necessary because the only solution is to
    start from scratch with a different order of goals, or if the solution
    is something in between the current Internet and a complete redesign.

  • Next message: Rosalia F Tungaraza: "Review no. 1: The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocol by David D. Clark"

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