NICE(1)                                                                NICE(1)

     nice - run a command at low priority

     nice [ -increment ] command [ arguments ]

     nice executes command with a lower CPU scheduling priority.

     If the increment argument (in the range 1-20) is given, it is used; if
     not, an increment of 10 is assumed.

     The invoking process (generally the user's shell) must be in the time-
     sharing scheduling class.  The command is executed in the time-sharing

     The super-user may run commands with priority higher than normal by using
     a negative increment, e.g., --10.

     csh(1), nohup(1), nice(2)

     nice returns the exit status of the subject command.

     csh(1) users beware:  csh(1) has a builtin nice command which has
     different syntax and semantics than nice(1).

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nice(2)                                                                nice(2)

     nice - change priority of a time-sharing process


     int nice(int incr);

     nice allows a process in the time-sharing scheduling class to change its
     priority.  The schedctl system call is a more general interface to
     scheduler functions.

     nice adds the value of incr to the nice value of the calling process.  A
     process's nice value is a non-negative number for which a more positive
     value results in lower CPU priority.

     A maximum nice value of 40 and a minimum nice value of 0 are imposed by
     the system.  (The default nice value is 20.)  Requests for values above
     or below these limits result in the nice value being set to the
     corresponding limit.

     EPERM         nice fails and does not change the nice value if incr is
                   negative or greater than 40 and the effective user ID of
                   the calling process is not super-user.

     EINVAL        nice fails if called by a process in a scheduling class
                   other than time-sharing.

     exec(2), setpriority(2), schedctl(2).
     csh(1), sh(1), nice(1).

     Upon successful completion, nice returns the new nice value minus 20.
     Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the

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