Test scenes for the raytracer

Here are a few test scenes for use with trace. I recommend you start with these scenes and once you're sure they work fine, try the more complicated scenes bundled with the raytracer.

Download these as a single group.


This scene is designed to test the emissive shading term.

SBT-raytracer 1.0

// cyl_emissive.ray
// Test for the emissive term

    position = (5, 0, 0);
    viewdir = (-1, 0, 0);
    updir = (0, 1, 0);

// The cylinder should turn out a solid red.
rotate( 1, 0, 0, 1.6, 
    rotate( 0, 1, 0, -0.5,
        cylinder {
            material = { emissive = (0.5, 0, 0); 
    } ) )


This scene is designed to test the ambient shading model.

SBT-raytracer 1.0

// cyl_ambient.ray
// Test for the ambient term

    color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    position = (5, 0, 0);
    viewdir = (-1, 0, 0);
    updir = (0, 1, 0);

// This scene doesn't need any directional/point 
// lights since the material on the cylinder has 
// an ambient color.  

// The cylinder should turn out a solid red.
rotate( 1, 0, 0, 1.6, 
    rotate( 0, 1, 0, -0.5,
        cylinder {
            material = { ambient = (0.5, 0, 0); 
    } ) )


This scene is designed to test for the diffuse term.

SBT-raytracer 1.0

// cyl_diffuse.ray
// Test for the diffuse term

    position = (5, 0, 0);
    viewdir = (-1, 0, 0);
    updir = (0, 1, 0);

// This is a directional light coming from the
// left of the scene.
    // Direction is automatically normalized
    direction = (-1, -0.5, -1);
    color = (1, 0, 1);

// The cylinder should turn out a shaded blue.
rotate( 1, 0, 0, 1.6, 
    rotate( 0, 1, 0, -0.5,
        cylinder {
            material = { diffuse = (0, 0, 0.8); 
    } ) )


This scene tests for the specular term in addition to the diffuse term.

SBT-raytracer 1.0

// cyl_diff_spec.ray
// Test for specular term added to diffuse

    position = (5, 0, 0);
    viewdir = (-1, 0, 0);
    updir = (0, 1, 0);

// This is a directional light coming from behind us
    direction = (-1, 0, 0);
    color = (1, 0, 1);

// The cylinder should have a specular highlight
// in the middle.
rotate( 1, 0, 0, 1.6, 
        cylinder {
            material = { 
                diffuse = (0, 0, 1); 
                specular = (1, 0, 1); 
                shininess = 128.0;
    } )


This scene tests for distance attenuation of lights.

SBT-raytracer 1.0

// box_dist_atten.ray
// Test for distance attenuation

    position = (7, 0, 0);
    viewdir = (-1, 0, 0);
    updir = (0, 0, 1);

// Point light just above the center of the box.
    position = (0, 0, 1);
    color = (1, 1, 1);
    constant_attenuation_coeff= 0.2;
    linear_attenuation_coeff = 0.3;
    quadratic_attenuation_coeff = 0.0;

// The box forms a plane, which should be noticably 
// brighter in the middle than on the edges
translate( 0, 0, -2,
    scale( 15, 15, 1, 
        box {
            material = { diffuse = (0, 1, 0); }
    } ) )


This scene tests for reflection.

SBT-raytracer 1.0

// box_cyl_reflect.ray
// Test the reflection term
// Don't forget to increase the trace depth to >= 2!

    position = (15, 0, 5);
    viewdir = (-1, 0, -.3);
    updir = (0, 0, 1);

// Using ambient intensity of 0.25
	color = (0.25, 0.25, 0.25);

// Directional light which shouldn't
// cast any shadows
    direction = (-1, 0, -0.2);
    color = (1, 1, 1);

// The box forms a plane, which should reflect the cylinder
translate( 0, 0, -2,
    scale( 15, 15, 1, 
        box {
            material = { 
                diffuse = (0.5, 0, 0); 
                specular = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                reflective = (1, 1, 1);
                shininess = 2.56;
        } ) )

// We'll give this a little ambient intensity to ensure
// that the bottom, which doesn't face the light, is still 
// reflected properly (this is a common hack, since with 
// raytracing you don't have diffuse-diffuse reflections)
translate( 0, 0, 1,
    cylinder {
        material = {
            ambient = (0, 1, 0);
            diffuse = (0, 0.5, 0);
            specular = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
            reflective = (1, 1, 1);
            shininess = 2.56;
    } )


This scene tests for refraction.

SBT-raytracer 1.0

// cyl_cyl_refract.ray
// Test the refraction term
// Don't forget to increase the trace depth to >= 2!

	position = (5, 0, 0);
	viewdir = (-1, 0, 0);
	updir = (0, 0, 1);

	direction = (-1, -1, -0.2);
	color = (1, 1, 1);

// Sphere acts as a lens
scale(.2, 1.5, 1.5, sphere {
	material = { 
		diffuse = (0, 0.12, 0);
		transmissive = (0.7, 0.7, 0.7);
		index = 1.5;
} )

// Add a couple of crossed cylinders behind the sphere to
// see the refractive effect.

// Note that the reason these are emissive is that otherwise
// you have problems if transparent shadows aren't implemented.
translate( -2, -1, -10,
scale( .2, .2, 20,
	cylinder {
		material = { 
			diffuse = (0.5, 0.12, 0.4);
			specular = (0.2, 0.3, 0.3);
			emissive = (0.8, 0.5, 0.4);
			index = 1.5; 
	} ) )

translate( 0, 0.5, 0, 
rotate( 1, 0, 0, .6,
translate( -2, -1, -10,
scale( .2, .2, 20,
	cylinder {
		material = {
			diffuse = (0.4, 0.12, 0.3); 
			specular = (0.2, 0.3, 0.3);
			emissive = (0.8, 0.0, 0.4);
			index = 1.5; 
	} ) ) ) )


Tests for opaque (non-transparent) shadows.

SBT-raytracer 1.0

// box_cyl_opaque_shadow.ray
// Test opaque shadows

    position = (15, 0, 5);
    viewdir = (-1, 0, -.3);
    updir = (0, 0, 1);

// This light should cast the shadow of the
// cylinder on the box.
    position = (3, 0, 6);
    color = (1, 1, 1);
    constant_attenuation_coeff= 0.25;
    linear_attenuation_coeff = 0.003372407;
    quadratic_attenuation_coeff = 0.000045492;	

// The box forms a plane
translate( 0, 0, -2,
    scale( 15, 15, 1, 
        box {
            material = { 
                diffuse = (0.5, 0, 0); 
        } ) )

translate( 0, 0, 1,
    cylinder {
        material = {
            diffuse = (0, 0.9, 0);
            ambient = (0, 0.3, 0);
    } )


Tests for semi-transparent shadows. Note that the cylinder's diffuse and ambient terms have also been reduced to give it a darker appearance.

SBT-raytracer 1.0

// box_cyl_transp_shadow.ray
// Test transparent shadows.

    position = (15, 0, 5);
    viewdir = (-1, 0, -.3);
    updir = (0, 0, 1);

// This light should cast the shadow of the
// cylinder on the box.
    position = (3, 0, 6);
    color = (1, 1, 1);
    constant_attenuation_coeff= 0.25;
    linear_attenuation_coeff = 0.003372407;
    quadratic_attenuation_coeff = 0.000045492;	

// The box forms a plane
translate( 0, 0, -2,
    scale( 15, 15, 1, 
        box {
            material = { 
                diffuse = (0.5, 0, 0);
        } ) )

translate( 0, 0, 1,
    cylinder {
        material = {
            ambient = (0, 0.09, 0);
            diffuse = (0, 0.27, 0);
            transmissive = (0.7, 0.7, 0.7);
    } )


Tests texture mapping.

SBT-raytracer 1.0

// texture_map.ray
// Test texture mapping
// Don't forget to increase the trace depth to >= 2!

    position = (15, 0, 5);
    viewdir = (-1, 0, -.3);
    updir = (0, 0, 1);

    direction = (-0.2, 0.2, -2);
    color = (.7, .7, .7);

    direction = (-1, -0.5, -0.3);
    color = (.6, .6, .6);

// The box forms a plane, which should reflect the cylinder
translate( 0, 0, -2,
    scale( 15, 15, 1, 
        box {
            material = { 
                diffuse = map( "checkerboard.bmp" ); 
                specular = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                reflective = (0, 0, 0);
                shininess = 2.56;
        } ) )

translate( 0, 0, 2,
    scale( 2,
    sphere {
        material = { 
            specular = (0.8, 0.8, 0);
            reflective = (0.7, 0.7, 0);
            diffuse = (0.2, 0.2, 0);
            shininess = 256;
) )


Tests for larger amounts of recursive depth.

SBT-raytracer 1.0

camera {
  position=( 5.45747,3.76998,-3.59695 );
  viewdir=( -0.764302,-0.392387,0.511737 );
  updir=( -0.331679,0.919753,0.209865 );
point_light {
  position=( 2.47975,3.75486,-4.72242 );
  color=( 0.631513,0.625613,1 );
  constant_attenuation_coeff= 0.25;
  linear_attenuation_coeff = 0.003372407;
  quadratic_attenuation_coeff = 0.000045492;
point_light {
  position=( 7.30154,3.91592,-0.313475 );
  color=( 1,0.507951,0.490585 );
  constant_attenuation_coeff= 0.25;
  linear_attenuation_coeff = 0.003372407;
  quadratic_attenuation_coeff = 0.000045492;
directional_light {
  direction=( -0.764302,-0.392387,0.511737 );
  color=( 1,1,1 );
polymesh {
    diffuse=( 0.7,0.7,0.7);
    ambient=( 0.2,0.2,0.2);
    specular=( 0,0,0);
    emissive=( 0,0,0);
    transmissive=( 0,0,0 );
   points=( ( -9.22972,0.68411,7.30672 ),( -9.22972,-1.31589,7.30672 ),( -7.22972,-1.31589,7.30672 ),( -9.22972,0.68411,7.30672 ),( -7.22972,-1.31589,7.30672 ),( -7.22972,0.68411,7.30672 ),( -9.22972,0.68411,-7.49376 ),( -7.22972,0.68411,-7.49376 ),( -7.22972,-1.31589,-7.49376 ),( -9.22972,0.68411,-7.49376 ),( -7.22972,-1.31589,-7.49376 ),( -9.22972,-1.31589,-7.49376 ),( -9.22972,0.68411,7.30672 ),( -9.22972,0.68411,-7.49376 ),( -9.22972,-1.31589,-7.49376 ),( -9.22972,0.68411,7.30672 ),( -9.22972,-1.31589,-7.49376 ),( -9.22972,-1.31589,7.30672 ),( -7.22972,0.68411,7.30672 ),( -7.22972,-1.31589,7.30672 ),( -7.22972,-1.31589,-7.49376 ),( -7.22972,0.68411,7.30672 ),( -7.22972,-1.31589,-7.49376 ),( -7.22972,0.68411,-7.49376 ),( -9.22972,0.68411,7.30672 ),( -7.22972,0.68411,7.30672 ),( -7.22972,0.68411,-7.49376 ),( -9.22972,0.68411,7.30672 ),( -7.22972,0.68411,-7.49376 ),( -9.22972,0.68411,-7.49376 ),( -9.22972,-1.31589,7.30672 ),( -9.22972,-1.31589,-7.49376 ),( -7.22972,-1.31589,-7.49376 ),( -9.22972,-1.31589,7.30672 ),( -7.22972,-1.31589,-7.49376 ),( -7.22972,-1.31589,7.30672 )  );
   faces=( ( 0,1,2),( 3,4,5),( 6,7,8),( 9,10,11),( 12,13,14),( 15,16,17),( 18,19,20),( 21,22,23),( 24,25,26),( 27,28,29),( 30,31,32),( 33,34,35)  );
polymesh {
    diffuse=( 0.5,0,0);
    ambient=( 0.2,0.2,0.2);
    specular=( 0,0,0);
    emissive=( 0,0,0);
    transmissive=( 0,0,0 );
   points=( ( 1.10973,1.59225,1.41654 ),( 0.883627,1.50968,1.46927 ),( 2.01407,-1.0298,2.34018 ),( 1.10973,1.59225,1.41654 ),( 2.01407,-1.0298,2.34018 ),( 2.24017,-0.947233,2.28745 ),( 1.08845,1.50419,1.18738 ),( 2.21889,-1.03529,2.05829 ),( 1.99279,-1.11786,2.11102 ),( 1.08845,1.50419,1.18738 ),( 1.99279,-1.11786,2.11102 ),( 0.862348,1.42162,1.24011 ),( 1.10973,1.59225,1.41654 ),( 1.08845,1.50419,1.18738 ),( 0.862348,1.42162,1.24011 ),( 1.10973,1.59225,1.41654 ),( 0.862348,1.42162,1.24011 ),( 0.883627,1.50968,1.46927 ),( 2.24017,-0.947233,2.28745 ),( 2.01407,-1.0298,2.34018 ),( 1.99279,-1.11786,2.11102 ),( 2.24017,-0.947233,2.28745 ),( 1.99279,-1.11786,2.11102 ),( 2.21889,-1.03529,2.05829 ),( 1.10973,1.59225,1.41654 ),( 2.24017,-0.947233,2.28745 ),( 2.21889,-1.03529,2.05829 ),( 1.10973,1.59225,1.41654 ),( 2.21889,-1.03529,2.05829 ),( 1.08845,1.50419,1.18738 ),( 0.883627,1.50968,1.46927 ),( 0.862348,1.42162,1.24011 ),( 1.99279,-1.11786,2.11102 ),( 0.883627,1.50968,1.46927 ),( 1.99279,-1.11786,2.11102 ),( 2.01407,-1.0298,2.34018 )  );
   faces=( ( 0,1,2),( 3,4,5),( 6,7,8),( 9,10,11),( 12,13,14),( 15,16,17),( 18,19,20),( 21,22,23),( 24,25,26),( 27,28,29),( 30,31,32),( 33,34,35)  );
polymesh {
    diffuse=( 0,0.5,0);
    ambient=( 0.2,0.2,0.2);
    specular=( 0,0,0);
    emissive=( 0,0,0);
    transmissive=( 0,0,0 );
   points=( ( 1.75036,1.08025,1.19355 ),( 1.56586,1.23536,1.24476 ),( -0.0563729,-0.999873,2.17072 ),( 1.75036,1.08025,1.19355 ),( -0.0563729,-0.999873,2.17072 ),( 0.128124,-1.15498,2.11952 ),( 1.66176,1.05012,0.965601 ),( 0.039529,-1.18512,1.89156 ),( -0.144968,-1.03001,1.94277 ),( 1.66176,1.05012,0.965601 ),( -0.144968,-1.03001,1.94277 ),( 1.47727,1.20523,1.0168 ),( 1.75036,1.08025,1.19355 ),( 1.66176,1.05012,0.965601 ),( 1.47727,1.20523,1.0168 ),( 1.75036,1.08025,1.19355 ),( 1.47727,1.20523,1.0168 ),( 1.56586,1.23536,1.24476 ),( 0.128124,-1.15498,2.11952 ),( -0.0563729,-0.999873,2.17072 ),( -0.144968,-1.03001,1.94277 ),( 0.128124,-1.15498,2.11952 ),( -0.144968,-1.03001,1.94277 ),( 0.039529,-1.18512,1.89156 ),( 1.75036,1.08025,1.19355 ),( 0.128124,-1.15498,2.11952 ),( 0.039529,-1.18512,1.89156 ),( 1.75036,1.08025,1.19355 ),( 0.039529,-1.18512,1.89156 ),( 1.66176,1.05012,0.965601 ),( 1.56586,1.23536,1.24476 ),( 1.47727,1.20523,1.0168 ),( -0.144968,-1.03001,1.94277 ),( 1.56586,1.23536,1.24476 ),( -0.144968,-1.03001,1.94277 ),( -0.0563729,-0.999873,2.17072 )  );
   faces=( ( 0,1,2),( 3,4,5),( 6,7,8),( 9,10,11),( 12,13,14),( 15,16,17),( 18,19,20),( 21,22,23),( 24,25,26),( 27,28,29),( 30,31,32),( 33,34,35)  );
polymesh {
    diffuse=( 0,0,0.5);
    ambient=( 0.2,0.2,0.2);
    specular=( 0,0,0);
    emissive=( 0,0,0);
    transmissive=( 0,0,0 );
   points=( ( 1.44495,1.30329,1.33211 ),( 1.20455,1.3574,1.33299 ),( 0.631632,-1.1662,-0.00437981 ),( 1.44495,1.30329,1.33211 ),( 0.631632,-1.1662,-0.00437981 ),( 0.87203,-1.22031,-0.00525898 ),( 1.46903,1.41383,1.1132 ),( 0.896111,-1.10977,-0.224166 ),( 0.655713,-1.05566,-0.223287 ),( 1.46903,1.41383,1.1132 ),( 0.655713,-1.05566,-0.223287 ),( 1.22863,1.46794,1.11408 ),( 1.44495,1.30329,1.33211 ),( 1.46903,1.41383,1.1132 ),( 1.22863,1.46794,1.11408 ),( 1.44495,1.30329,1.33211 ),( 1.22863,1.46794,1.11408 ),( 1.20455,1.3574,1.33299 ),( 0.87203,-1.22031,-0.00525898 ),( 0.631632,-1.1662,-0.00437981 ),( 0.655713,-1.05566,-0.223287 ),( 0.87203,-1.22031,-0.00525898 ),( 0.655713,-1.05566,-0.223287 ),( 0.896111,-1.10977,-0.224166 ),( 1.44495,1.30329,1.33211 ),( 0.87203,-1.22031,-0.00525898 ),( 0.896111,-1.10977,-0.224166 ),( 1.44495,1.30329,1.33211 ),( 0.896111,-1.10977,-0.224166 ),( 1.46903,1.41383,1.1132 ),( 1.20455,1.3574,1.33299 ),( 1.22863,1.46794,1.11408 ),( 0.655713,-1.05566,-0.223287 ),( 1.20455,1.3574,1.33299 ),( 0.655713,-1.05566,-0.223287 ),( 0.631632,-1.1662,-0.00437981 )  );
   faces=( ( 0,1,2),( 3,4,5),( 6,7,8),( 9,10,11),( 12,13,14),( 15,16,17),( 18,19,20),( 21,22,23),( 24,25,26),( 27,28,29),( 30,31,32),( 33,34,35)  );
polymesh {
    diffuse=( 0.46,0.47,0.09);
    ambient=( 0.2,0.2,0.2);
    specular=( 0,0,0);
    emissive=( 0,0,0);
    transmissive=( 0.8,0.8,0.8 );
   points=( ( -2.30974,2.25869,0.150629 ),( -2.30974,1.81435,0.150629 ),( -1.8654,1.81435,0.150629 ),( -2.30974,2.25869,0.150629 ),( -1.8654,1.81435,0.150629 ),( -1.8654,2.25869,0.150629 ),( -2.30974,2.25869,-0.293705 ),( -1.8654,2.25869,-0.293705 ),( -1.8654,1.81435,-0.293705 ),( -2.30974,2.25869,-0.293705 ),( -1.8654,1.81435,-0.293705 ),( -2.30974,1.81435,-0.293705 ),( -2.30974,2.25869,0.150629 ),( -2.30974,2.25869,-0.293705 ),( -2.30974,1.81435,-0.293705 ),( -2.30974,2.25869,0.150629 ),( -2.30974,1.81435,-0.293705 ),( -2.30974,1.81435,0.150629 ),( -1.8654,2.25869,0.150629 ),( -1.8654,1.81435,0.150629 ),( -1.8654,1.81435,-0.293705 ),( -1.8654,2.25869,0.150629 ),( -1.8654,1.81435,-0.293705 ),( -1.8654,2.25869,-0.293705 ),( -2.30974,2.25869,0.150629 ),( -1.8654,2.25869,0.150629 ),( -1.8654,2.25869,-0.293705 ),( -2.30974,2.25869,0.150629 ),( -1.8654,2.25869,-0.293705 ),( -2.30974,2.25869,-0.293705 ),( -2.30974,1.81435,0.150629 ),( -2.30974,1.81435,-0.293705 ),( -1.8654,1.81435,-0.293705 ),( -2.30974,1.81435,0.150629 ),( -1.8654,1.81435,-0.293705 ),( -1.8654,1.81435,0.150629 )  );
   faces=( ( 0,1,2),( 3,4,5),( 6,7,8),( 9,10,11),( 12,13,14),( 15,16,17),( 18,19,20),( 21,22,23),( 24,25,26),( 27,28,29),( 30,31,32),( 33,34,35)  );
polymesh {
    diffuse=( 0.09,0.44,0.45);
    ambient=( 0.2,0.2,0.2);
    specular=( 0,0,0);
    emissive=( 0,0,0);
    transmissive=( 0.6,0.6,0.6 );
   points=( ( -2.58748,1.79018,0.435478 ),( -2.58748,0.919224,0.435478 ),( -1.71652,0.919224,0.435478 ),( -2.58748,1.79018,0.435478 ),( -1.71652,0.919224,0.435478 ),( -1.71652,1.79018,0.435478 ),( -2.58748,1.79018,-0.435474 ),( -1.71652,1.79018,-0.435474 ),( -1.71652,0.919224,-0.435474 ),( -2.58748,1.79018,-0.435474 ),( -1.71652,0.919224,-0.435474 ),( -2.58748,0.919224,-0.435474 ),( -2.58748,1.79018,0.435478 ),( -2.58748,1.79018,-0.435474 ),( -2.58748,0.919224,-0.435474 ),( -2.58748,1.79018,0.435478 ),( -2.58748,0.919224,-0.435474 ),( -2.58748,0.919224,0.435478 ),( -1.71652,1.79018,0.435478 ),( -1.71652,0.919224,0.435478 ),( -1.71652,0.919224,-0.435474 ),( -1.71652,1.79018,0.435478 ),( -1.71652,0.919224,-0.435474 ),( -1.71652,1.79018,-0.435474 ),( -2.58748,1.79018,0.435478 ),( -1.71652,1.79018,0.435478 ),( -1.71652,1.79018,-0.435474 ),( -2.58748,1.79018,0.435478 ),( -1.71652,1.79018,-0.435474 ),( -2.58748,1.79018,-0.435474 ),( -2.58748,0.919224,0.435478 ),( -2.58748,0.919224,-0.435474 ),( -1.71652,0.919224,-0.435474 ),( -2.58748,0.919224,0.435478 ),( -1.71652,0.919224,-0.435474 ),( -1.71652,0.919224,0.435478 )  );
   faces=( ( 0,1,2),( 3,4,5),( 6,7,8),( 9,10,11),( 12,13,14),( 15,16,17),( 18,19,20),( 21,22,23),( 24,25,26),( 27,28,29),( 30,31,32),( 33,34,35)  );
polymesh {
    diffuse=( 0.46,0.14,0.44);
    ambient=( 0.2,0.2,0.2);
    specular=( 0,0,0);
    emissive=( 0,0,0);
    transmissive=( 0.4,0.4,0.4 );
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polymesh {
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