Graphics Instructional Lab Guide
Rules For Sieg 327
The machines in Sieg 327 are primarily for the use of cse455, cse457, and
cse557 students working on assignments for those courses. If you are not a
graphics student, or not working on the course, you may use the machines in
Sieg 327, but must
give up your machine if someone needs it for the course.
No Food or Drinks in the Lab -- EVER!
If for some reason, you get hung, mail support@cs.
They will take care of this for you.
Be courteous when playing games or viewing demos: keep a low volume, or use
If you need to leave your workstation for a few minutes, lock your screen. You
can lock your screen by selecting "Lock Workstation..." from the dialog box
that pops up when you type control-alt-delete.
If you're planning to be away from your screen for longer than 20 minutes, log
The lab has copies of course reference material, including textbooks OpenGL
reference texts. These may not leave the lab, and please return them to the
bookshelf when you are done using them.