Simple Fire Model

When I initially started working on this project my intent was to model fluid motion and advection to create a realistic physically based model of flame and related phenomenon as in [3]. However a stable and accurate numeric simulation is extremely difficult and computationally taxing to produce. Given the remaining time, I chose to implement the field of gas flow as a smoothed three dimensional noise field interpreted as a vector function, generated in a manner similar to [1]. Since this is graphics and not physics, the matter of primary importance is generating turbulence which looks realistic and connotes fire, rather than exploring the physical behavior of gases. This low frequency noise field is used as force vector to accelerate particles injected at the base of the fire. The smoothness properties of the field provide some continuity between the motion of adjacent particles.

Flow Field

The flow field is constructed by repeatedly applying a 3 dimensional gaussian function to each of thee component noise vectors. To simplify edge case processing, this smoothing is done using periodic boundary conditions. At each step, the a new noise sample is computed, and it is blended with the existing function using an exponential moving average, which generates a smoothly varying vector field over time.

To minimize the cost of updating the field, the flow field is linearly interpolated through time between two steps of noise addition. This turned out to be considerably less important once I changed the smoothing to 3 applications of a single dimensional filter rather than a full 3d psf.


Each particle consists of a position, velocity, and temperature. They are injected into the system in a uniform distribution about a disk at the bottom of the model volume. The initial velocities of particles are strictly vertical, with a magnitude which depends on the radius.

At each time step normal newtonian motion is applied, and the particle is cooled. In order to approximate the heat distribution, particles further out along the radius cool more quickly. Once the temperature of the particle has reached zero, then it is removed from the system.

The temperature is used to color the particle. As each particle is drawn it is used as the interpolation parameter for a piecewise linear function which goes from yellow-white to yellow, to dark red, and finally to black. During this last stage the alpha value for the particle is interpolated to zero.


The particles are rendered as semi-transparent blobs. Each blob attempts to approximate a transparent ellipsoid in three dimensions by a transformed gaussian function in image space, centered at the position of the particle. As rendered, each blob consists of a rectangular array of (r,g,b,a) pixels. At each of these pixels the gaussian function is sampled.

This function mapping is scaled by the velocity of the particle, and rotated so as to orient along the velocity vector. The output of this function is used as the alpha value of the resulting pixels in the array, and composited into the image.


In order to properly render the transparency of the particles, I maintain a list of all blobs which contribute to each pixel. Each contribution contains a full list of (r,g,b,a,z). As each particle is processed during the rendering phase, the contributions are placed into a per-pixel priority queue sorted by depth. Once all the contributions have been calculated, the priority queue is emptied in order and each contribution is composited against the total pixel color so far.

To limit allocation overhead, pixel contribution structures are allocated as the priority queue grows, and are never deallocated.

The major drawback to this approach is not as much speed as memory consumption. For the sample sequences done for this project the pixel blending buffers occupied as much as 40MB. One good optimization would be to keep track of the the shortest distance which is opaque beyond some distance threshold and throw away pixels behind it. Another might be to composite pixels directly if they are sufficient close, and suffer the small amount of resulting error if another new pixel came between them. Neither of these two optimizations work very well with the current priority queue structure.

Obviously a different approach would need to be taken in a raytracing environment. This would most likely require rendering the particle set into an initial voxel space using alpha compositing, then sampling this space with the rays.

Considerable savings could be gained by direct composition, ignoring global depth ordering, in models where occlusion doesn't play a significant role in the final result.

Model Parameter Summary:

All of the runs below used a bottom particle injection rate of 60 per frame

a basic fire model. actually the higher contrast version on the right looks better, even without the black "smoke"

the same model, but with an increased force magnitude and smoother flow field. the fire is considerably more turbulent and exhibits larger flame tongues. note the horizontal 'artifacts' caused by excess deflection of vertical motion

The scene is not quite so interesting from above, due to the sparsity of particles and the fact that the primary velocity component for the fire is along the vertical axis

Use of a smoother flow field and lower velocity gives a much 'smaller' seeming fire, with no large random gouts of flame.

a different parameterization does a reasonable job of creating the illusion of water vapor


Particle systems are a general technique which can model a variety of dynamic phenomenon. The parameterization of this model is sufficient to allow extensions in several directions. One concern with further application of this model to different phenonmenon is the potential requirement for a large number of particles. Fine detailed and smooth smoke, such as from the end of a cigarette, may require a huge number of particles to accurately sample the field. At that point it may be considerably more effective to model the flow phenonmenon and trace them directly as in [3].


[1] K. Perlin, "An Image Synthesizer", SIGGRAPH '85

[2] W.T. Reeves, "Particle Systems. A Technique for Modeling a Class of Fuzzy Objects", SIGGRAPH '83

[3] Jos Stam, "Depicting Fire and Other Gaseous Phenomena Using Diffusion Processes", SIGGRAPH '99