CSE 557 -- Computer Graphics -- Winter 2000

Cloth Simulation
AUTHORS: Will Portnoy, Dan Grossman

With cloth simulation, as in most of Computer Graphics, the challenge lies in making the artifact on the screen look realistic. In particular, the cloth's movements and interactions with its surroundings ought to look familiar to the viewer, who should even be able to recognize different types of cloth simply by watching the simulation's behavior.

In the literature, realistic cloth movement has been obtained using a network of particles connected by springs (in that case, the system is referred to as a mass-spring system) or other natural forces (such as Coulomb forces). With such a model, perturbations at one cloth vertex are propagated to the other areas of the cloth as dictated by the system of differential equations that links the forces acting on all the particles. Thus, local forces -- the result of, say, cloth/object interactions or perhaps the user's dragging of the cloth with the mouse -- and global forces -- such as wind and gravity -- may be applied to the cloth in order to highlight behaviors that will assist the viewer in recognizing the cloth. Then, by changing parameters for the model's force equations, the cloth's reactions can be made to simulate many different types of material.


  1. D. Baraff. "Implicit Methods for Differential Equations". Physically Based Modeling: Principles and Practice. Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1997.
  2. D. Baraff and A. Witkin. "Large Steps in Cloth Simulation". Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series. pp. 43 - 54, 1998
  3. J. Lander. "Devil in the Blue Faceted Dress: Real-time Cloth Animation". Game Developer Magazine. pp. 17-21, May 1999.
  4. J. McDonald and R. Welland. "Methods for Preventing Cloth Self-Intersection". Technical Report, 1997.

Our Mass-Spring Model

Results and Executables

This page last updated: Tuesday, March 15, 2000.
E-mail the authors: Will Portnoy and Dan Grossman