Blogs and Discussion Roles


For each lecture, except for three marked in the calendar (virtual machines in week 1, agility in week two, and energy in week 3), you are required to submit a blog post to the relevant canvas thread due midnight the day before the class discussion for that paper. We will accept late submissions for 50% credit up to the class period when the paper will be discussed. We will not grade or count submissions made after the start of class. We grant two mulligans - i.e., we will throw out your lowest two scores.

Some entries in the calendar have two closely related papers assigned; please do a combined blog post in those cases. Other entries in the calendar have a "Background" paper or textbook chapter. These are optional readings. The textbook chapters are for context if you need it to understand the paper. The background papers can serve as a prompt for the "extend" part of the blog entry, described below.

Do not use ChatGPT or other AI method to generating the blog post. We are sure that it can do a fine job, but it doesn't need the practice; you probably do.

Blog posts must have two clearly labeled parts: summary and extend.

Class Discussion Roles

The goal of the class discussion is not only to understand the topic of the assigned paper (and related papers) in more depth, it is also the meta-goal of improving your ability to gain that understanding on your own for future papers that you read.

Class discussion roles formalize the questions you should ask yourself about any paper that you read; after a while, considering a paper from multiple perspectives will become second nature.

There are ten roles for each paper; you are to sign up for each role once during the quarter. Please spread these out - do not sign up for multiple roles for the same paper. If, and only if, there is one person signed up for every role for a particular paper, you should double up. For almost all slots, there will be two students in each role - please work together on a combined answer.

The signup sheet is here. It will go live Tuesday January 2 at 5pm.

The roles are largely taken from the blog prompts: