Each group will submit a short (at most 12 page, minimum 6 pages - excluding references) written report using the ACM (sigconf) / Usenix two column template. Please submit the report as a PDF file on canvas.
The submitted report must contain the following:
All the presentations will be done during the Finals week on December 16th 2020 from 2:30PM PT to 4:20 PM PT. Each group will be provided upto 12 minutes for their presentation (10 to present and 2 for Q & A). The final presentations must also be submitted on canvas. All the presentations and will be judged for the following:
Groups implementing the Paxos project for their final projects need to schedule a meeting with the TA and present a working demo of Paxos running on multiple nodes before the final project submission deadline on 18th December 2020. Please refer to the submission instructions in the Paxos project description for the finer details.