Copyright (c) 1997 by the University of Washington. All rights reserved.
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Visual Etch Command Line Interface
Visual Etch is designed to be used as a graphical user interface,
however it can also be invoked directly from the command line with
command line flags. There are two major reasons for invoking Visual
Etch from its command line interface, rather than interactively.
First, this is useful in automated testing of Visual Etch and its
environment. Second, Visual Etch provides a very simple command line
interface for running Etch experiments, compared to direct invocation
of the Etch binary-rewriting engine, because Visual Etch manages the
entire etching process (e.g., environmental setup, caching, etching,
patching, output file creation, and so on).
The format of the Visual Etch invocation is:
vetch [project file] [command1] [command2] ...
The commands on the command line form a very primitive scripting
language for Visual Etch. The commands are executed sequentially
one after another.
For example, the vetch command:
vetch winword.vpr -application "D:/Program Files/msoffice/word/winword.exe"
-tool dllwatch -executeaction -tool cgprof
- open a project called winword.vpr
- load the application winword.exe into Visual Etch
- run the DLLwatch tool on winword
- run the call graph profiler tool on winword
This example shows how a complete Etch experiment -- in this case
creating a call-graph profile of an application (winword) -- can
be invoked with a single command line issued in a command prompt
window or from a batch file.
Commands available from the command line interface
The following is a list of commands that Visual Etch recognizes from
the command line:
- -application [appname]
- sets the application name to be [appname]
- -tool [toolname]
- sets the tool name to be [toolname]
- -script [scriptname]
- checks the script checkbox and set the script name to be [scriptname]
- -logfile [logfile]
- logs all message box messages to [logfile].messages and error
message box messages to [logfile].errors (this option is not yet implemented)
- -noninteractive
- turns off message boxes that wait for the user to click okay (this option
is not yet implemented)
- -commandline [command line arguments]
- sets the command line arguments for the application
- -clearcache
- clears the Visual Etch cache
- -etchonly
- simulates the user clicking the Etch Only button
- -executeaction
- simulates the user clicking the Execute Action button
- -runonly
- simulates the user clicking the Run Only button
- -exitvetch
- exits Visual Etch
- The user interface is still enabled when the command line is being
the user can still click on buttons and cause actions to be executed.
However, the interaction of the actions specified by the user and
those specified on the command line is not defined.
- The user may click on the Abort button in the Running Experiment
dialog box to abort the parsing and execution of command line
arguments. This is
useful when something unexpected (i.e. an error) happens in the middle
of a series of commands.