Copyright (c) 1997 by the University of Washington. All rights reserved. This is a proprietary and confidential document. Under no circumstances may this document be used, modified, copied, distributed, or sold without the express written permission of the copyright holder.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a list of questions that commonly arise when using Etch, along with answers and solutions to common problems. Many of these questions are addressed as well in the Visual Etch User's Guide. Descriptions of additional error messages can be found in Etch Error Messages.


System and program considerations for Etch

Question: What are the system requirements for running Etch?

Answer: To run Etch, you'll need Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95, 32 MB of physical memory, and a large swap file. We estimate that a large binary like WinWord needs at least 150 MB of swap space.

Question: What are the system requirements for writing tools in Etch?

Answer: In addition to the requirements listed above, you'll need: Microsoft Visual C++ to develop the tools and Microsoft Access to modify the database tables that the user interface uses. You will also install Visual Basic to guarantee that you have all the files needed for Visual Etch.

Question: Etch can sometimes take a very long time to run. How do I know whether Etch is running or hung?

Answer: You can see the details of the current Etch execution in the "Check List" and "Run Details" windows of the Visual Etch "Running Experiment" window. In addition, you can see in detail exactly what command Etch is executing by selecting "Status Windows | Console.." from the menu options in the Running Experiment window. Be patient, sometimes it takes a while for Etch output to be reflected in the console window. You can also look in the task manager window to see if Etch is making progress.

Question: Can multiple users run Etch from the network?

Answer: Yes. However, you'll need to make sure that you are not using the same project, nor sharing temporary directories. By default, Visual Etch places its project directory in a temporary directory under the system directory that is called username.temp (for a specific "username"), so this normally is not an issue.

Question: What kinds of binaries can I etch?

Answer: You can etch 32-bit PE format Windows binaries, including both executables and DLLs. Certain kinds of instruction sequences found in hand-written assembly language will fail when Etched, but these sequences occur rarely in practice. Examples include self-modifying code, code that jumps into the middle of an instruction, and code that uses pointers to instructions to refer to data.

Question:Does Etch work on 16 bit codes?

Answer: No. If you notice that a program is using a DLL called something like "foo16.dll" then you have a strong clue that it is relying on 16-bit code; since Etch does not support 16-bit code, that DLL should be omitted from the list of DLLs to be etched and patched (using the Modules window).

Question: Can I etch an already-etched binary?

Answer: Yes, although this is not currently supported directly through the Visual Etch interface. Etching an etched binary requires special naming and special modifications to the tools you will use.

Question: Can Etch be used with multithreaded programs?

Answer: There should be no problem using Etch on multithreaded programs, provided that the tool to be used is thread safe. Specifically, if your tool manipulates shared data structures, then the tool should enforce whatever locking is required to access those data structures.

Question: Can I run Etch on a multiprocessor?

Answer: Probably, but we have not tried it yet.

Question: What additional link flags do I need to specify when using MSVC 5.0 so that I can produce object files that Etch can process?

Answer: If you are linking from the command line, then you need to add the flag "/fixed:no" to your link command. If you are linking from within msdev, then you need to add the flag to your project settings: invoke the "Project->Settings" menu command, select the "Link" tab in the dialog that appears, and then add the flag "/fixed:no" to the "Project Options" text window at the bottom right of the window.

Question: How do I instrument a program that relies on multiple executables (.exe files)?

Answer: The basic strategy is to fool Visual Etch into thinking that the union of all the executables and DLLs in which you are interested is a single executable. Here's how to do it.

Suppose we have two programs, helper.exe and master.exe, where running master.exe causes the execution of helper.exe as a helper process. Often, the two programs communicate through common DLLs. We must determine the set of DLLs used by both helper.exe and master.exe (call these sets helper-dlls and master-dlls, respectively). We then extend master-dlls to include all of the DLLs in helper-dlls, as well as helper.exe itself. We then run our experiment on master.exe, which will cause all of helper.exe's components (both DLLs and helper.exe) to be included in the experiment. We have to be a bit careful about how we invoke master.exe to ensure that the results from helper.exe and the results from master.exe end up in separate files (since each has its own ProgramBefore and ProgramAfter instrumentation callbacks). The specific steps we need to follow for helper.exe and master.exe are as follows (obviously, you replace these names with the names of your programs):

  1. Ensure that helper.exe is not already running. On Windows NT, you can use the Task Manager to check whether helper.exe is running, and kill the process if it is. On Windows 95, you can use the Process Viewer (pview95.exe) application to check for helper.exe (pview95.exe ships with MSVC).

  2. Run Visual Etch and set the application to helper.exe.

  3. In the Modules window, choose the "Use Original Name" option for "helper.exe".

  4. Use Visual Etch to apply the DLLwatch tool to helper.exe. Sometimes, helper.exe will not exit (which is why you may have had to kill it in step 1). If it does not exit, you should use the Task Manager (on NT) or the Process Viewer (on Win95) to kill the process called "helper.exe". Killing the process causes DLLwatch to report its results in a Visual Etch results window, and to write the list of DLLs to the file "helper.exe.dlls" in the experiment directory.

  5. Change the application in Visual Etch to master.exe and apply the DLLwatch tool.

  6. Use the Modules window to add helper.exe's DLLs to the list of DLLs used by master.exe. Select "Option|Add Explicitly Loaded Modules|from file containing a list of DLLs" and specify the file "helper.exe.dlls" from the previous step.

  7. In the Modules window, use "Options|Add Explicitly Loaded Modules|Browse for a Particular DLL" to add "helper.exe" to the list of DLLs for master.exe.

  8. In the modules window, for the line naming "helper.exe", ensure that the "Use Original Module Name" option in the Modules window in checked. (The application is still master.exe; helper.exe looks like just another DLL at this point.)

  9. In the main Visual Etch window, select "Options|Unique Output File".

  10. Now run the experiment. Choose a tool and click "Execute Action".

  11. After the experiment is complete, you should, one last time, kill helper.exe in the Task Manager or Process Viewer if it is still running.

Question: I want to instrument a DirectDraw application and the DLLs that it loads. Do I have to do anything special?

Answer: DirectDraw applications use two executables, so we will need to rely on the above procedures above for running applications with more than one .exe file. Once you've done the first DirectDraw application, subsequent ones are quite easy. Follow these steps:

  1. If this is the first time you've done a DirectDraw application, then follow the steps for multiple executables where "helper.exe" (in that description) is replaced with the program ddhelp.exe. The ddhelp.exe program usually lives in \winnt40\system32\ddhelp.exe. To begin, run DLLwatch on ddhelp.exe; this will create a file called dllwatch.output and show you a window with the names of the referenced DLLs. Save this window to a file called ddhelp-dlls, and then edit that file to add the name "ddhelp.exe" as a component.

  2. The first time and all subsequent times you etch a DirectDraw program, run DLLwatch on your graphical application. From the modules window, import ddhelp-dlls, and then check "use original name" in the Modules window next to ddhelp.exe.

You may continue to use the file ddhelp-dlls for other DirectDraw applications. Note that this file could become obsolete if you install a new program that uses DirectDraw, but relies on a later version of ddhelp.exe. If this happens, you should see that unetched DLLs are being loaded during your program's execution and you should follow the steps above to recreate ddhelp-dlls.

Etch and DLLs

Question:How are etched files named?

Answer: By default, Etch transforms every DLL used by the program, say "foo.dll", into either "foo-patch.dll" or "foo-etch.dll". The "-patch" DLL is created when the user specifies that foo.dll is not to be etched. Although the code for the DLL is not changed, we modify the imports used by the DLL, therefore we produce a new version with a new name. The "-etch" DLL is created when Etch modifies the code within the specific DLL.

Question: What if I don't want to change the names of programs or DLLs when they have been etched?

Answer: The UI supports this directly from the Modules screen; select "Use Original Module Name" for the component you wish not to rename. However, if you do this for DLLs, then you will get in trouble if your analysis routine also uses the DLL, because your analysis routine will end up instrumenting itself (which will be like a dog chasing its tail). There is no problem doing this for executables.

Question: Suppose my runtime analysis code relies on a function in a DLL that has been etched. What happens?

Answer: By default, Etch renames DLLs (eg, foo.dll becomes foo-etch.dll). In addition, your analysis code will be linked against the unetched version of the DLL. Consequently, your analysis code will be using a different DLL than your program. As long as the DLL is written in such a way that it can withstand being loaded twice (with different names at different address) into the same address space, then everything should work fine. If, though, the DLL is sensitive to its name or location, or somehow shares with other DLLs through a non-standard interface, then this multiple loading of the same DLLs may cause problems.

Question: My program (and the DLLs it links with) loads lots of DLLs explicitly with the Win32 LoadLibrary call. Will it run properly after being etched?

Answer: Yes, although you will have to help Etch identify the set of DLLs used by your program. While Etch can automatically find the set of DLLs that are loaded statically by your program, there is no systematic way to find every dynamically-loaded DLL. The DLLwatch tool is, however, an effective way to do this.

Question:What happens if I fail to tell Etch about DLLs used within my program?

Answer: Problems can be caused when a DLL references another DLL that was neither etched nor patched (e.g., a DLL dynamically loads another DLL that was not listed in the Modules window). This is because the second DLL may in turn include references to other DLLs that themselves have been etched. But, since the second DLL has not itself been modified, it will include references to unetched versions of those otherwise etched DLLs, resulting in two (or more) versions of the same DLL executing in the instrumented address space.

It may be important for a program to not refer to both the instrumented (or patched) and uninstrumented (or unpatched) versions of the same DLL. To test for this, use the DLLwatch tool in order to find the DLLs loaded by the application. Or, use the monitor program to discover the set of DLLs loaded into the address space as the program runs (you can invoke monitor using the "create command shell" option from the UI). You should add any DLLs as appropriate to the list of DLLs shown in the "Modules" window.

Problems with your Etched programs

Question: I etched a program, and now it doesn't run. What do I do next?

Answer: There are a variety of problems that could cause an etched program to fail. Here, we describe some of the individual problems you can run into and present point solutions.

Some specific problems

Installing and running Visual Etch -- The User Interface

Question: When I install Visual Basic, I get messages about some registry keys or some files being used by other programs when there isn't any other program running. What is causing this?

Answer: You don't have sufficient permission to system files and resources required to install Visual Etch. You need to increase your privileges either as administrator on your NT box, or by contacting your local system administrator.

Problem: When I start Vetch, I get an error message "Object so-and-so not found."

Answer: You probably don't have Visual Basic installed correctly. Reinstall VB.

Problem: The graphing option on the output does not work.

Answer: Install a current version of Visual Basic (at least version 4.0) to get the current versions of the DLLs the UI requires. Older versions of the DLLs exist in the system directory and need to be updated.

Problem: In the UI, I select a program, choose an action, and click the execute action button, but I never see the output of my program.

Answer: All of your program's output can be viewed in the console window. To see it, choose "Console Window" from the options menu in the Etch control window. Much of the output to the console is from Etch and not from your program, so you must scroll down the console until you find the program-generated outputs.

Question:How do I integrate DLLwatch output for a program that I've run outside of the UI?

Answer: Since some programs may not be run from within the UI, it may be necessary to run DLLwatch on your program directly from the command line. Normally, the output from DLLwatch goes into %WORKINGDIR%\dllwatch.output (%WORKINGDIR% is the current experiment folder), so that it can be processed by the UI. In order to do this same function manually, you will need to run (from the same directory where you ran etch-run-me) the program etch-dllwatch-filter (which can be found in the etch\bin directory). After you've done this, you can then import the results from the run using the "options|add explicitly loaded modules" menu option in the Modules window.

Question: How do I create a standalone version of an etched application, that is, a completely self-contained directory that holds everything that the application needs to execute?

Answer: Visual Etch assumes that an etched application will run in the context of Visual Etch -- in particular, it assumes that certain DLLs are on the path.

However, in some cases you may want to run an etched application without making changes to the path or other parts of the environment, in which case these assumptions will not hold. The simplest solution to this problem is to collect all of the requisite DLLs into a single directory. For example, if you've etched Netscape, you could create a copy of the Netscape directory tree, and copy the etched application (netscape-etch.exe) and all of the associated DLLs into the same directory as netscape.exe in the copy of the Netscape directory tree..

Setting up the directory is reasonably straightforward:

For example, for the count instruction references tool with winword, starting in the Visual Etch experiment directory:

....EXPERIMENT...> COPY * <target>
....EXPERIMENT...> CD <target>>notepad etch.config (change first line of 
                 etch.config to <target>\winword-etch.exe)> COPY %ETCHROOT%\apps\bin\countiref-rt.dll .> COPY %ETCHROOT%\apps\bin\utils.dll .> COPY %ETCHROOT%\bin\etchwrap.dll .> COPY %ETCHROOT%\bin\etchrt.dll .

Now the etched executable in the target directory should be able to run, as long as the environment is the same as that required to run the original application (e.g., if the application expects to find specific files in specific subdirectories, those files and subdirectories must exist).

Developing Tools

Question:I wrote a tool and provided a routine in the tool runtime DLL (say, ProgramBefore), and I implement the InstrumentProgram callback in the tool instrumentation DLL. At runtime, though, my ProgramBefore function is never called. What's going on?

Answer: It is possible that you forgot to export your InstrumentProgram callback. Etch can only make callbacks to functions that are exported by the tool instrumentation DLL -- even if InstrumentProgram is implemented, if it is not exported then Etch cannot call it.

Question:I wrote a tool that exports a runtime call WatchInstruction. But when I run Etch, I get the message, "WatchInstruction not found". How can this be?

Answer: The most likely explanation is that your runtime function is a C++ function, and has had its name mangled. You should surround the DllExport declaration of the function with an 'extern "C" { } '.

Question: I need to associate a unique identifier with each module (each DLL and EXE in the process) at runtime. For example, I've inserted a 'CheckInst' call before every instruction, and at runtime I want to determine which module the instruction is in. Does Etch provide any support for this?

Answer: The ArgEtchedImageBase argument type can be used to uniquely identify DLLs. This value is the actual base address of the etched module at runtime, and so is guaranteed to be unique.

Or, you can pass constant strings to runtime routines through the ArgConstString argument type, so you could simply determine the module name (with GetEtchedModuleName) in InstrumentInit, and then pass this string in on each call to InsertCall(CheckInst,...). The ArgString argument type would not be a good solution for this particular problem, because it would allocate space for a new copy of the string for each call to InsertCall(CheckInst,...).]

Question: Does Etch handle synchronization? For example, I have instrumented each instruction to bump a counter. Does Etch worry about the fact that different threads will be changing the value of this counter and hence the existence of a race condition?

Answer: Etch does not handle this; synchronization is entirely the responsibility of the tool writer. Some of the example tools provided with Etch do not take care of synchronization, and hence could report incorrect results when used with a multi-threaded application.

Question: I followed all the directions for creating a new tool, and wrote my own perl script called "". Now whenever I try to etch any application from the UI, using *any* tool, I get the message "Etch process exited prematurely". There is no output in the console window. What did I do wrong?

Answer: You forgot to put a "1;" as the last line of (This is needed for Perl's mechanism for including files to work properly.)

Using Tools

Question: What does the "Check Data References" tool do?

Answer: It looks for two types of potentially harmful references. First, it checks for references to the instrumented text section. The uninstrumented program should not know that there is an instrumented text section. Second, it checks for references above the stack. Because we save state on the stack before calling instrumentation code, it looks for those references and determines whether saving an additional 48 bytes above the stack will help.

Question: I get a runtime error message "instruction at x touched y. the address could not be read/written". Shouldn't the checkrefs tool have caught this?

Answer: Not necessarily. The check data refs tool does not check for all conditions that lead to an incorrect execution. The check data refs tool only checks for two cases (see above). The fault above could be due to an entirely different problem.


Question: Can I debug an etched program?

Answer: Etch does not maintain debug information when it Etches an executable. Consequently, symbolic debugging is impossible. Machine-language debugging can of course be used. Note that if your runtime analysis routines include debug information, then they can be symbolically debugged.

Question: When an etched binary falls into the debugger, how can I change the "just-in-time" debugger that is invoked when an application generates an exception and asks you to "click Cancel to debug."

Answer: You can change this as follows: (1) run the registry editor -- regedt32.exe, (2) find the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Ae Debug, (3) change the value "Debugger" to C:\msdev\bin\msdev.exe -p %ld -e %ld. (assuming msdev.exe can be found in c:\msdev\bin)

Question: I suspect that my program is crashing in DLL initialization code. How can I debug this kind of problem?

Answer: Using the MSDEV debugger, you can step through the DLL initialization code. The hard parts are persuading MSDEV to set a breakpoint early enough and figuring out where the DLL initialization routines actually are. MSDEV discards breakpoints set at arbitrary instructions between runs, so you have to find a place to set a breakpoint that has a symbolic name.

A good symbol to use is the name of a DLL initialization routine that you already know. For example, in an etched program, you could set a breakpoint in ProgramBefore.

Once you've executed the program and hit this breakpoint, you can look up the stack to find the instruction in NTDLL.DLL:LdrpRunInitializeRoutines@4 that calls the entry point of each DLL that is loaded. Set a breakpoint at that call instruction, and now you can step into the entry point of each DLL.

Note that the breakpoint at the call instruction will be discarded by MSDEV between runs. If you absolutely need to see every DLL as it is loaded (i.e., including DLLs that were loaded before the call), you could set a breakpoint at the beginning of LdrpRunInitializeRoutines@4. This breakpoint should be preserved between runs. (You may have to exit and restart MSDEV.)

Tip: Once you've discovered the PCs of LdrpRunInitializeRoutines@4 and of the special call instruction, remember them. They will remain constant as long as you're using the same version of NTDLL.DLL.